Perception de télépéage — Communications d'augmentation de localisations pour systèmes autonome...
Le présent document définit les exigences pour une communication à courte portée en vue de mettre en place l'augmentation de localisations dans les systèmes de perception de télépéage (EFC) autonomes. L'augmentation de localisations sert à informer les équipements embarqués (OBE) de leur position géographique et à l'identification d'un objet d'imputation. Le présent…
Robotics — Modularity for service robots — Part 201: Common information model for modules
This document specifies requirements and guidelines for the common information model (CIM) for modules of service robots to achieve interoperability, reusability, and composability.
This document specifies the structure of the CIM and details the intended use and meaning of its attributes and subclasses.
This document applies to service robots.
Information technology — Governance of IT for the organization
This document provides guiding principles for members of governing bodies of organizations and those that support them on the effective, efficient and acceptable use of information technology (IT) within their organizations.
This document is applicable to:
— the governance of the organization’s current, and future, use of IT;
— the governance of IT as a domain of governance of…
Electronic fee collection — Localization augmentation communication for autonomous systems
This document establishes requirements for short-range communication for the purposes of augmenting the localization in autonomous electronic fee collection (EFC) systems. Localization augmentation serves to inform on-board equipment (OBE) about geographical location and the identification of a charge object. This document specifies the provision of location and heading information and security…