Reinforced, Mineral Colloid Type, Emulsified Asphalt for Roof Coatings and
This standard applies to reinforced liquid asphaltic materials in the form of
aqueous emulsions of the mineral colloid type for use as sprayed, trowelled or
brushed-on coatings for built-up roofs and other roof surfaces, and for
waterproofing concrete or masonry surfaces.
For more detailed information on intended uses and methods of application see
par. 7.2 and 7.3.
Information Processing - Text and Office Systems - Standard Generalized Markup Language (SGML), and...
This National Standard of Canada is equivalent to International Standards ISO 8879-1986 and ISO 9069-1988.
1 Scope
This International Standard:
(a) Specifies an abstract syntax known as the Standard Generalized Markup Language (SGML). The language expresses the description of a document's structure and other attributes, as well as other information that makes the markup…
Information processing systems — Interface between flexible disk cartridge drives and their host con...
La présente norme internationale spécifie une unité périphérique à cartouches de disques souples et définit les besoins fonctionnels et électriques (y compris les signaux logiques), ainsi que les exigences mécaniques de l'interface pour la connexion d'unités de disques souples conformes au système hôte. Cela inclut les périphériques utilisant des supports spécifiques dans de nombreuses…
Implants for surgery — Partial and total hip joint prostheses — Recommendations for simulators for e...
The recommendations cover units, test specimen, test conditions and test methods for evaluating the characteristics of hip joint prostheses by means of simulators. Form changings of bearing surfaces are not included. The informative annexes A to C include examples for a cleaning method for specimen and a lubricator for the wearing test.
Steel and iron — Determination of vanadium content — Flame atomic absorption spectrometric method
The method is applicable to vandadium contents between 0,005 % (m/m) and 1,0 % (m/m), provided that the tungsten content in the test portion is not higher than 10 mg and/or the titanium content is not higher than 5 mg. Specifies principle, reagents, apparatus, sampling, procedure, expression of results and test report. The annexes give additional information on the international co-operative…
Natural gas — Determination of sulfur compounds — Part 1: General introduction
Gives a rapid comparison of standardized methods and therefore provides information for the choice of the method. The other parts of ISO 6326 describe
in detail the various standardized methods. Tabulates methods for the determination of sulfur components in natural gas.
Shipbuilding — Topology of ship hull structure elements — Part 1: Location of elements
Enables information within and also between enterprises to be communicated easily by means of coding the locations of appropriate parts. Consists of three parts.
Shipbuilding — Topology of ship hull structure elements — Part 3: Relations of elements
Gives information on denomination and location of the various elements to each other to make communication easy and to prevent misunderstandings. Consists of three parts.
Storage of cereals and pulses — Part 3: Control of attack by pests
Gives guidance in means of controlling attack by vertebrate and invertebrate pests. It shows onset of infestation, factors affecting insect and mite development, heating of grain caused by insects and mites, prevention and control of insect and mite infestation. An informative annex A gives limiting and optimum conditions for increase in populations of 23 insect and mite pests.