Information technology — Information interchange on 130 mm optical disk cartridges using the magneto...
Specifies definitions of the essential concepts, the environment in which the characteristics are to be tested, the environments in which the cartridge is to be operated and stored, the mechanical, physical and dimensional characteristics of the case and of the optical disk, the magneto-optical characteristics and the recording characteristics, so as to provide physical interchangeability between…
Instruments pour canaux radiculaires utilisés en art dentaire — Partie 1: Limes, alésoirs, broches b...
La présente partie de l'ISO 3630 fixe les prescriptions et méthodes d'essai des limes, alésoirs, broches barbelées, râpes, bourre-pâtes, sondes exploratrices et broches porte-coton. Elle couvre, de plus, des spécifications générales, méthodes d'essai, informations sur le code de désignation et les symboles d'identification des instruments pour canaux radiculaires indépendants…
Information technology - Information interchange on 130 mm optical disk cartridges using the magneto...
Specifies definitions of the essential concepts, the environment in which the characteristics are to be tested, the environments in which the cartridge is to be operated and stored, the mechanical, physical and dimensional characteristics of the case and of the optical disk, the magneto-optical characteristics and the recording characteristics, so as to provide physical interchangeability between…
Information technology - Telecommunications and information exchange between systems - Open Systems ...
The procedures specified do not prevent communication between transport entities conforming to ISO/IEC 8073 only and those conforming to ISO/IEC 8073 as well as to this standard. The use of a protocol identification procedure allows transport entities to be implemented which can support both the OSI transport protocols and non-OSI transport protocols above the OSI network layer.