Systèmes de traitement de l'information - Échange de données sur cartouches à
disquette de 90 ...
La présente Norme nationale du Canada est équivalente à la Norme Internationale
ISO 9529/1:1989.
La présente norme spécifie l'agencement des pistes, leur format et les
caractéristiques des signaux enregistrés.
NOTE - Les valeurs numériques du système de mesure impérial et/ou du système
international d'unités (SI) figurant dans la présente norme ont pu être
arrondies et sont,…
Information technology — Font information interchange — Part 3: Glyph shape representation
Specifies the architecture and interchange formats of glyph shape representations. The encoding of font resource information as defined in this part is specified in both ASN.1 and SGML representations for consistent generation of font resources for use in these processing environments.
Information technology - Font information interchange - Part 3: Glyph shape representation
Specifies the architecture and interchange formats of glyph shape representations. The encoding of font resource information as defined in this part is specified in both ASN.1 and SGML representations for consistent generation of font resources for use in these processing environments.
Measurement of liquid flow in open channels — Equipment for the measurement of discharge under ice c...
Concentrates on the specialized equipment required for gaining access through the ice sheet and obtaining area, velocity, and other information for determining the rate of flow under ice. Does not specify techniques for measurement and computation which are dealt with in various International Standards. ISO 9196 specifically deals with the methods for the measurement of flow under ice and this…
Specifies the characteristics of microfiche intended for international interchange of information and for micropublishing. Is applicable to microfiche of uniform format with image arrangements of 49, 98, 270 and 420 frames and a single frame microfiche. An annex specifies the characteristics of microfiche of uniform format with image arrangements of 30, 60, 63, 84, 208, 210 and 325 frames and…