Information technology - Data interchange on 90 mm Flexible Disk Cartridges 10 MByte capacity using ...
Specifies the characteristics of 90 mm flexible disk cartridges of 10 MByte formatted capacity. Specifies the mechanical, physical and magnetic characteristics of the cartridge, so as to provide interchangeability between data processing systems. Also specifies the method of recording, the quality of the recorded signals, the track layout and the track format of data tracks and servo tracks.
Audiometers - Part 3: Auditory test signals of short duration for audiometric and neuro-otological p...
Specifies means of describing the physical characteristics of audiometric test and reference signals of short duration and methods for their measurement. The standard also specifies a psychoacoustic method of determining the level of the test signal in terms of hearing level. Requirements for the information to be given in an instruction manual are also included.
Banque et services financiers liés aux opérations bancaires — Échange d'informations — Formulai...
La présente Norme internationale spécifie la dimension et la présentation des formulaires destinés aux ordres envoyés dans le monde entier entre les banques et ayant pour but de présenter des documents de paiement (recouvrement). En outre, elle définit les éléments de données à utiliser et décrit comment ils doivent être représentés sur le formulaire.
Banking and related financial services — Information interchange — Collection order form
Specifies the size and layout for forms, intended for orders sent internationally between banks to present documents for payment. Defines the data elements to be used and describes how they are to be represented on the form.