Information technology — International Standardized Profile RA — Relaying the Connectionless-mode Ne...
Defines the RA53.1111 profile, which is applicable to interworking units operating between Token Ring LAN subnetworks and PSDNs using virtual calls over a PSTN leased line permanent access.
Information technology — International Standardized Profile RA — Relaying the Connectionless-mode Ne...
Defines the RA53.1121 profile, which is applicable to interworking units operating between Token Ring LAN subnetworks and PSDNs using virtual calls over a digital data circuit/CSDN leased line permanent access.
Information technology — International Standardized Profile RA — Relaying the Connectionless-mode Ne...
Defines the RA54.1111 profile, which is applicable to interworking units operating between FDDI LAN subnetworks and PSDNs using virtual calls over a PSTN leased line permanent access.
Information technology — International Standardized Profile RA — Relaying the Connectionless-mode Ne...
Defines the RA54.1121 profile, which is applicable to interworking units operating between FDDI LAN subnetworks and PSDNs using virtual calls over a digital data circuit/CSDN leased line permanent access.
Information technology — International Standardized Profiles AFTnn — File Transfer, Access and Manag...
Covers management of files between the filestores of two end systems, using the OSI connection-mode transport service to provide the interconnection. One end system acts in the initiator role and initiates the file management, the other end system acts in the responder role and provides management of the file in the virtual filestore. Replaces the first edition, which has been technically revised.
Information technology — Telecommunications and information exchange between systems — Private tele...
Is one of International Standards designed to facilitate the global interconnection of applications across both private telecommunications networks and public ISDNs. This is achieved by ensuring compatibility and interworking of services offered by the private and public networks.
Information technology — Information interchange on 300 mm optical disk cartridges of the write once...
Specifies the characteristics of 300 mm optical disk cartridges (ODC) of the WORM type providing for embossed information and for data to be written once and read multiple times.
Ergonomie des ambiances thermiques — Principes et application des Normes internationales pertinentes
La présente Norme internationale a pour but de fournir des informations qui permettront d'utiliser correctement, de manière efficace et pratique les Normes internationales relatives à l'ergonomie de l'environnement thermique. Elle comprend a) une description de chaque Norme internationale, ainsi que l'utilisation complémentaire pouvant être faite des normes lors de l'…