Automatic identification and data capture techniques - Supply chain applications of RFID - Product t...
This document defines the basic features of RFID for use in the supply chain when applied to product tagging, product packaging, transport units and returnable transport items (RTIs) and returnable packaging items (RPIs). This document:
— provides specifications for the identification of the items,
— makes recommendations about additional information on the RF tag,
— specifies the…
Intelligent transport systems — Traffic and travel information (TTI) via transport protocol experts ...
This document specifies the TPEG parking information (PKI) application which has been designed to deliver parking information to a variety of receivers using a number of different channels, particularly digital broadcasting and internet technologies. Parking information can be presented to the user in many different ways, including text, voice or graphics.
Today, traffic congestion has become a…
Intelligent transport systems — Traffic and travel information (TTI) via transport protocol experts ...
This document specifies the TPEG fuel price information and availability (FPI) application. The FPI application has been specifically designed to support information from fuel stations, such as their location, fuel types offered and fuel pricing and availability information.
The standardized delivery, via TPEG technology, of fuel price information has the following benefits for end users of a…
Information technology — Business operational view — Part 21: Guidance on the application of the Ope...
This document specifies the business operational view of an implementation of an Open-edi Distributed Business Transaction Repository (OeDBTR), building on the principles and concepts defined in ISO/IEC 15944-4 of a business transaction. The repository stores the history of the transitions in states of the economic claim and/or other business entities that happen over the course of a business…
Insulation co-ordination - Part 2: Application guidelines
IEC 60071-2:2023 RLV contains both the official IEC International Standard and its Redline version. The Redline version is available in English only and provides you with a quick and easy way to compare all the changes between the official IEC Standard and its previous edition.
IEC 60071-2:2023 constitutes application guidelines and deals with the selection of insulation levels of equipment or…
Information technology - Business operational view - Part 21: Guidance on the application of the Ope...
This document specifies the business operational view of an implementation of an Open-edi Distributed Business Transaction Repository (OeDBTR), building on the principles and concepts defined in ISO/IEC 15944-4 of a business transaction. The repository stores the history of the transitions in states of the economic claim and/or other business entities that happen over the course of a business…
Insulation co-ordination - Part 2: Application guidelines
IEC 60071-2:2023 constitutes application guidelines and deals with the selection of insulation levels of equipment or installations for three-phase AC systems. Its aim is to give guidance for the determination of the rated withstand voltages for ranges I and II of IEC 60071‑1 and to justify the association of these rated values with the standardized highest voltages for equipment. This…
Coordination de l'isolement - Partie 2: Lignes directrices en matière d'application
L'IEC 60071-2:2023 constitue des lignes directrices en matière d'application et concerne le choix des niveaux d'isolement des matériels ou des installations pour les réseaux triphasés en courant alternatif. Elle a pour objet de donner des recommandations pour la détermination des tensions de tenue assignées pour les plages I et II de l'IEC 60071-1 et de justifier l'…
Metallic materials — Charpy V-notch pendulum impact test — Instrumented test method
This document specifies a method of instrumented Charpy V-notch pendulum impact testing on metallic materials and the requirements concerning the measurement and recording equipment.
With respect to the Charpy pendulum impact test described in ISO 148-1, this test provides further information on the fracture behaviour of the product under impact testing conditions.
The results of instrumented…
Matériaux métalliques — Essai de flexion par choc sur éprouvette Charpy à entaille en V — Méthode d&...
Le présent document spécifie une méthode d’essai instrumenté de flexion par choc sur éprouvette Charpy à entaille en V pour les produits métalliques ainsi que les exigences concernant le matériel de mesure et d’enregistrement.
Par rapport à l’essai de flexion par choc sur éprouvette Charpy décrit dans la norme ISO 148-1, le présent essai fournit des informations supplémentaires sur le…