Information technology - Continual performance improvement of IT enabled services
ISO/IEC TR 22446:2017 establishes a continual performance improvement (CPI) process that supports service management system (SMS) as defined in the ISO/IEC 20000 series.
This process ensures successful deployment and service performance criteria fulfilment.
This process is based on a predictive performance evaluation method and a related repository.
ISO/IEC TR 22446:2017 is not intended to be…
Industrial-process measurement and control - Programmable controllers - Part 8: Guidelines for the a...
IEC TR 61131-8:2017(E) applies to the programming of programmable controller systems using the programming languages defined in IEC 61131-3. The scope of IEC 61131-3 is applicable to this part.
This document provides
a) guidelines for the application of IEC 61131-3,
b) guidelines for the implementation of IEC 61131-3 languages for programmable controller systems,
c) programming and…
Information technology — Generic cabling for customer premises — Part 1: General requirements
ISO/IEC 11801-1:2017(E) This document specifies a multi-vendor cabling system which may be implemented with material from single or multiple sources. This part of ISO/IEC 11801 defines requirements that are common to the other parts of the ISO/IEC 11801 series. Cabling specified by this document supports a wide range of services including voice, data, and video that may also incorporate the…
Computer applications in terminology — Terminological markup framework
ISO 16642:2017 specifies a framework for representing data recorded in terminological data collections (TDCs). This framework includes a metamodel and methods for describing specific terminological markup languages (TMLs) expressed in XML. The mechanisms for implementing constraints in a TML are defined, but not the specific constraints for individual TMLs.
ISO 16642:2017 is designed to support…
Earth-moving machinery — Object detection systems and visibility aids — Performance requirements and...
ISO 16001:2017 specifies general requirements and describes methods for evaluating and testing the performance of object detection systems (ODSs) and visibility aids (VAs) used on earth-moving machines. It covers the following aspects:
- detection or visibility or both of objects including people in the detection zone;
- visual, audible, or both warnings to the operator and if…
Information technology — Security techniques — Key management — Part 4: Mechanisms based on weak sec...
ISO/IEC 11770-4:2017 defines key establishment mechanisms based on weak secrets, i.e. secrets that can be readily memorized by a human, and hence, secrets that will be chosen from a relatively small set of possibilities. It specifies cryptographic techniques specifically designed to establish one or more secret keys based on a weak secret derived from a memorized password, while preventing…
Information technology - Security techniques - Key management - Part 4: Mechanisms based on weak sec...
ISO/IEC 11770-4:2017 defines key establishment mechanisms based on weak secrets, i.e. secrets that can be readily memorized by a human, and hence, secrets that will be chosen from a relatively small set of possibilities. It specifies cryptographic techniques specifically designed to establish one or more secret keys based on a weak secret derived from a memorized password, while preventing…
Petroleum and natural gas industries — Specific requirements for offshore structures — Part 2: Seism...
ISO 19901-2:2017 contains requirements for defining the seismic design procedures and criteria for offshore structures; guidance on the requirements is included in Annex A. The requirements focus on fixed steel offshore structures and fixed concrete offshore structures. The effects of seismic events on floating structures and partially buoyant structures are briefly discussed. The site-specific…
Information technology — Conformance testing for the biometric application programming interface (Bi...
ISO/IEC 24709-1:2017 specifies the concepts, framework, test methods, and criteria required to test conformity of biometric products claiming conformance to BioAPI (see ISO/IEC 19784-1). Guidelines for specifying BioAPI conformance test suites, writing test assertions, and defining procedures to be followed during the conformance testing are provided.
ISO/IEC 24709-1:2017 is concerned with…