Paints and varnishes — Corrosion protection of steel structures by protective paint systems — Part 5...
This document describes the types of paint and paint system commonly used for corrosion protection of steel structures.
It also gives guidelines for the selection of paint systems available for different environments (see ISO 12944‑2) except for corrosivity category CX and category Im4 as defined in ISO 12944‑2 and different surface preparation grades (see ISO 12944‑4), and the durability grade…
Touch and interactive displays - Part 12-20: Measuring methods of touch displays - Multi-touch perfo...
IEC 62908-12-20:2019(E) specifies the standard measuring conditions and measurement methods for the multi-touch performance of a touch sensor module. This document is applicable to touch sensor modules, where the structural relationship between the touch sensor, touch controller, touch sensor module, display panel, touch display panel, and touch display module is defined in IEC 62908-1-2.
Plastics — Determination of environmental stress cracking (ESC) of polyethylene — Full-notch creep t...
This document specifies a method for determining the environmental stress cracking (ESC) resistance of polyethylene (PE) materials in a defined test environment. The test is carried out on notched test specimens machined from moulded sheets/specimens or from finished products. The test specimen is subjected to a static tensile load when immersed into an environment such as a surfactant solution…
Petroleum and natural gas industries — Factory bends, fittings and flanges for pipeline transportati...
This document specifies the technical delivery conditions for bends made by the cold bending process for bend with radii 5xOD or higher for use in pipeline transportation systems for the petroleum and natural gas industries as defined in ISO 13623.
This document also specifies the requirements for the manufacture of two product specification levels (PSLs) of cold bends corresponding to product…
High frequency inductive components - Non-electrical characteristics and measuring methods - Part 2:...
IEC 62025-2:2019 RLV contains both the official IEC International Standard and its Redline version. The Redline version is available in English only and provides you with a quick and easy way to compare all the changes between the official IEC Standard and its previous edition.
IEC 62025-2:2019 specifies a test method for the non-electrical characteristics of the surface mounted device (SMD)…
Aircraft — Tow bar attachment fittings interface requirements — Part 2: Regional aircraft
This document specifies the interface requirements for tow bar attachment fittings on the nose gear (when towing operations are performed from the nose gear) of conventional tricycle type landing gears of commercial civil transport aircraft.
Its purpose is to achieve tow bar attachment fittings interface standardization by aircraft mass category (which determines tow bar forces) in order to…
High frequency inductive components - Non-electrical characteristics and measuring methods - Part 2:...
IEC 62025-2:2019 specifies a test method for the non-electrical characteristics of the surface mounted device (SMD) inductors to be used for electronic and telecommunication equipment. The object of this part of this document is to define methods for measuring mechanical performance only. As the reliability performances and specifications relative to non-electrical performances are defined in IEC…
Railway applications - Urban guided transport management and command/control systems - Part 3: Syste...
IEC 62290-3:2019 specifies the system architecture for Urban Guided Transport Management and Command/Control systems (UGTMS) as defined in IEC 62290-1 and IEC 62290-2, and the allocation of functions and requirements defined in IEC 62290-2 to the different UGTMS subsystems (designated as system constituents in IEC 62290-1 and IEC 62290-2), for use in urban guided passenger transport lines and…
Road vehicles — Connection interface for pyrotechnic devices, two-way and three-way connections — Pa...
This document defines the general minimum specifications of a type 3 two-way connection interface, linking the pyrotechnic device and harness connector built into a road vehicle.
Universal serial bus interfaces for data and power - Part 1-6: Common components - USB Audio 3.0 dev...
The purpose of IEC 62680-1-6:2019 is to create a higher level of interoperability among Hosts and Audio Devices. By establishing a set of essential audio features, users can expect a consistent experience, Device manufacturers have a solid template to follow, and Host drivers may be simplified.
The USB Audio Device Class Definition for Basic Audio Functions applies to all USB Audio Functions…