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Avis d'intention
Règles d'utilisation des échafaudages d'accès
Scope 1. Scope This Standard applies to the erection and use of access scaffold that is (a) supported on a surface; (b) hung from multiple points, but is not capable of moving vertically or horizontally; or (c) mounted on...
Avis d'intention
Norme sur les conditionneurs d'air et les thermopompes...
1.1 This Standard applies to factory-manufactured residential, commercial, and industrial packaged terminal air-conditioners and heat pumps as defined in Clause 3. 1.2 This Standard applies to electrically operated vapour...
Avis d'intention
Exigences relatives aux performances des thermostats...
1.1 General This Standard specifies performance requirements for thermostat models intended for line-voltage (120 to 240 V) switching of a controlled resistive heating load. The models covered by this Standard are as follows...
Avis d'intention
Produits d'éclairage décoratifs
1.1 This Standard applies to decorative lighting strings, decorative lighting outfits, pre-lit trees, and accessories, intended for seasonal or commercial use connected to circuits of 120 V nominal or less by means of an...
Avis d'intention
PExigences relatives aux performances des thermostats...
1.1 General This Standard specifies performance requirements for thermostat models intended for line-voltage (120 to 240 V) switching of a controlled resistive heating load. The models covered by this Standard are as follows...
Avis d'intention
Air comprimé respirable et systèmes connexes
1.1 This Standard provides the minimum requirements, unless otherwise specified by the authority having jurisdiction, for the purity of compressed breathing air supplied to the service outlet and for breathing air systems...
Avis d'intention
Bardeaux et bardeaux de fente en thuya géant
1. Scope 1.1 This Standard applies to shakes and shingles manufactured from western red cedar (Thuja plicata Donn ex D. Don) or Alaska (yellow) cedar (Cupressus nootkatensis D. Don). It specifies minimum grading...
Avis d'intention
Exigences relatives aux performances des thermostats...
1.1 General This Standard specifies performance requirements for thermostat models intended for line-voltage (120 to 240 V) switching of a controlled resistive heating load. The models covered by this Standard are as follows...
Avis d'intention
Performance des systèmes mécaniques intégrés ...
1.1 This Standard describes the test procedures, apparatus, and calculations required to determine the performance, capacities, energy consumption, and overall efficiency of residential gas-fired integrated mechanical systems...
Avis d'intention
Claviers canadiens pour le français et l'anglais
1. Scope 1.1 This Standard specifies requirements for keyboards to be used throughout Canada for word, information, and data-processing applications. 1.2 This Standard defines the national keyboard layout (the primary...
Avis d'intention
Performance énergétique des composants d’un congélateur...
1.1 Cette norme s’applique aux réfrigérateurs-chambres et aux congélateurs-chambres (c.-à-d., un espace d’entreposage réfrigéré et fermé dans lequel il est possible d’entrer) ayant une zone totale d’entreposage réfrigérée de...
Avis d'intention
Évaluation environnementale de site, phase II
1.1 But Cette norme énonce les principes et les pratiques applicables à la phase II d'une évaluation environnementale de site (EES phase II). Elle est conçue pour offrir un cadre cohérent et établir les modalités minimales d...