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Avis d'intention
Éthanol-carburant dénaturé destiné aux carburants...
1.1 La présente norme s’applique à l’éthanol-carburant dénaturé, qui est utilisé uniquement comme composant des carburants automobiles pour moteurs à allumage commandé. 1.1.1 Ces carburants automobiles pour moteurs à allumage...
Avis d'intention
Anaesthetic and respiratory equipment - Supralaryngeal...
ISO 11712:2009 provides the essential requirements for the design of supralaryngeal airways and connectors. These devices are intended to open and seal the supralaryngeal area to provide an unobstructed airway in patients...
Avis d'intention
Non-invasive sphygmomanometers - Part 2: Clinical...
ISO 81060-2:2013 specifies the requirements and methods for the clinical investigation of me equipment used for the intermittent non-invasive automated estimation of the arterial blood pressure by utilizing a cuff. ISO 81060...
Avis d'intention
Tuyaux perforés et raccords, rigides, en poly...
The purpose of this standard is to establish the requirements for dimensions, characteristics and test methods relating to PVC plastic rigid perforated pipe and fittings used for underground gravity disposal of wastewaters...
Avis d'intention
Tuyaux et raccords rigides en poly(chlorure de...
The purpose of this standard is to establish the requirements for dimensions, characteristics and test methods relating to rigid pipe and fittings, manufactured from PVC compounds, used in underground applications for...
Avis d'intention
Tuyaux et raccords en poly(chlorure de vinyle...
The purpose of this standard is to establish the requirements concerning the characteristics and test methods for unplasticized poly(vinyl chloride) [PVC-U] pipe with smooth inside walls, perforated or not, of diameters from...
Risk Management - Guidance for the implementation of ISO 31000 (Adoption of ISO/TR 31004:2013)
1 Scope This Technical Report provides guidance for organizations on managing risk effectively by implementing ISO 31000:2009. It provides: — a structured approach for organizations to transition their risk management...
Avis d'intention
Conditionnement des matières infectieuses, des...
La présente norme énonce les exigences relatives à la conception, à la fabrication et au marquage de trois types de moyens de rétention utilisés pour le transport des marchandises dangereuses de classe 6.2 (matières...
Avis d'intention
Procedure for Certification of Pressure-Treated...
1.1 This Standard outlines procedures for the certification and identification of treatment plants and for the identification of pressure-treated wood materials for use in preserved wood foundations (PWF). 1.2 This Standard...
Avis d'intention
Lève-personnes pour transférer des personnes ...
This Standard specifies requirements for installation, on-site testing, periodic inspection, and maintenance of hoists and body-support units intended for the transfer of disabled persons. This Standard does not include...
Avis d'intention
Bâtiment méthodologie d'estimation de l'énergie
1.1 This Standard specifies general requirements such as reference publications, definitions, abbreviations, symbols, and subscripts used in the other Standards in the CSA C873 Series. 1.2 This Standard is intended to be used...
Avis d'intention
Norme pour les combinaisons de gaz naturel liquéfié...
This standard details safety requirements for newly manufactured systems that dispense both liquefied natural gas and diesel fuel for vehicles, directly into the vehicle fuel storage container. Each dispenser may have the...