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Affichage de 5377 - 5388 de 11942
Avis d'intention
Management environnemental — Analyse du cycle...
This International Standard specifies requirements and provides guidelines for life cycle assessment (LCA) including a) the goal and scope definition of the LCA, b) the life cycle inventory analysis (LCI) phase, c) the life...
Avis d'intention
Partage de données pour les stations canadiennes...
This Standard provides requirements and recommendations for the sharing of weather data, including the use of equipment and software for doing so. The Standard includes consideration, and any requirements or recommendations...
Avis d'intention
Bois d'œuvre résineux
This Standard specifies requirements pertaining to the quality and uniformity of softwood lumber manufactured in Canada and establishes the designation “Canadian Standard Lumber” for lumber that meets the requirements of this...
Avis d'intention
Essais normalisés pour déterminer la compatibilité...
This standard applies to cable-pulling lubricants (compounds) and the testing and analysis of their interaction with wire and cable. Cable-pulling lubricants are used to lower the tension on cables when they are installed...
Avis d'intention
Antidémarreurs à éthylomètre
This Standard describes the performance standards, technical specifications, physical markings, and qualification tests required for breath alcohol ignition interlock devices. This Standard identifies the functional...
Avis d'intention
Norme de durabilité pour les appareils de réfrigération...
1.1 This Standard covers two-phase refrigerant compression-type refrigeration appliances for household use included within the scope of the US Department of the Energy (DoE) and Natural Resources Canada (NRCan) minimum energy...
Avis d'intention
Norme sur les unités de système d’extinction ...
Les présentes exigences s’appliquent à la construction et à l’utilisation des unités de système d’extinction fixes à aérosol de condensation, ce qui comprend les unités de système d’extinction avec générateur d’aérosol et les...
Avis d'intention
Norme sur Systèmes de Chemisage pour les Ouvrages...
1.1 Cette norme s'applique aux systèmes de chemisage pour les cheminées en maçonnerie existantes, auxquelles un chemisage en tuiles d'argile réfractaire peut être intégré ou non, ou aux cheminées et aux conduits d'évacuation...
Avis d'intention
Gestion du travail dans des conditions extrêmes
This Standard specifies requirements for an occupational health and safety management system for managing work performed both indoors and outdoors under heightened-risk conditions presented by extreme environmental...
Avis d'intention
Machines à bois - Sécurité - Partie 13 : Scies...
This document gives the safety requirements and measures for stationary multi-blade rip sawing machines manually loaded and/or unloaded, hereinafter referred to as “machines”, designed to cut solid wood and material with...
Avis d'intention
Porte-fusibles - Partie 8 : Classe J
1.1 This Part is intended to be read together with the Standard for Fuseholders – Part 1: General Requirements, hereafter referred to as Part 1. The titles of the Clauses in this Part correspond to the similarly titled...
Avis d'intention
Porte-fusibles - Partie 4: Classe CC
1.1 This Part is intended to be read together with the Standard for Fuseholders – Part 1: General Requirements, hereafter referred to as Part 1. The titles of the Clauses in this Part correspond to the similarly titled...