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Affichage de 1969 - 1980 de 9566
Avis d'intention
Norme sur la vérification des réseaux avertisseurs...
La présente norme spécifie les procédures d’inspection et de mise à l’essai permettant de vérifier que les réseaux avertisseurs d’incendie sont installés conformément aux exigences de la conception et de la norme CAN/ULC-S524...
Avis d'intention
Norme sur les mousses de classe « A »
Cette norme énonce les exigences et les méthodes d'essai pour les mousses chimiques utilisées dans les combustibles de classe « A ».
Avis d'intention
Burglar Resistant Combination Locks
1.1 These requirements cover combination locks designed for attachment on doors of safes, chests, vaults, and the like, to provide a means of lcoking the boltwork against unauthorized opening. 1.2 These requirements are...
Avis d'intention
Burglary Resistant Key Locks
1.1 These requirements cover mechanical locks categorized as follows: A Cabinet locking cylinder; B Door locks; C Locking cylinders; D Security container key locks utilizing Type 1 and Type 2 locks; and E Two-key locks. 1.2...
Avis d'intention
Burglary-Resistant Night Depositories
1.1 These requirements cover the construction and security performance of equipment intended to permit the deposit of cash, cheques, etc., into a security container, and to provide protection against unauthorized removal of...
Avis d'intention
Burglary Resisting Glazing Material
1.1 These requirements cover clear or translucent glazing material intended for indoor use, outdoor use, or indoor/outdoor use as a substitute for, or in combination with plate glass show window panels. 1.2 The material is...
Avis d'intention
Standard for Power Roof Ventilators for Commercial...
1.1 These ventilators are for use with exhaust systems serving restaurant type cooking equipment such as ranges, broilers, deep fat fryers, grilles, etc. They are complete units, which may include a fan, motor, enclosing...
Avis d'intention
Standard for Grease Filter for Commercial and...
1.1 This Standard applies to grease filters for installation in collection hoods of commercial kitchen exhaust systems for conformance with NFPA 96 requirements. 1.2 Grease filters are investigated to determine their...
Avis d'intention
Standard for the Installation and Performance...
1.1 This Standard applies to the minimum requirements for the installation and operating performance of ventilation and fire suppression systems for commercial, industrial, institutional or similar cooking applications.
Avis d'intention
Géotextiles et géomembranes - Définitions
La présente norme contient des définitions de termes relatifs aux géotextiles et aux géomembranes.
Avis d'intention
Standard for Space Heaters for use with Solid...
This Standard applies to hand-fuelled solid-fuel fired space heaters of the radiant, convection or forced-circulating type, intended for residential heating. This Standard applies to: Space heaters having provision for...
Avis d'intention
Standard for Fireplace Inserts
These requirements cover prefabricated fireplace inserts for masonry fireplaces and appliances intended to be vented through the throat of a masonry fireplace. These appliances are designed for burning solid fuels such as...