Standard for Signaling Devices for the Hearing Impaired

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Champ d’application

These requirements cover emergency-signaling devices for the hearing impaired. The devices and/or systems covered by this standard are suitable for use in a controlled environment, or in an uncontrolled environment as indicated in the product marking. A signaling device as covered by these requirements consists of a unit assembly of electrical parts having provision for the connection of power supply circuits routed through the equipment by a prescribed scheme of circuiting. Also included are circuits that extend to separate devices by which additional units are actuated for signals. An installation wiring diagram attached to the product, or referenced in the product marking, indicates the devices and circuits that are acceptable for connection to the signaling device. The requirements are to evaluate visible signaling appliances for public mode operation. These appliances are designed to alert occupants or inhabitants within the protected area. These requirements do not cover lights intended for private mode fire alarm signaling, lights intended for non-fire-alarm signaling applications, manual boxes, automatic fire detectors, or other initiating devices; nor do they cover bells, registers, or other indicating devices not provided as part of the product.

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