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Affichage de 8485 - 8496 de 11239
Avis d'intention
Exigences relatives aux ensembles d'appareils...
This Standard specifies the requirements for trace heaters, surface heaters, and heating device sets for use on system voltages not exceeding 750 V that are intended to be installed in accordance with the Canadian Electrical...
Avis d'intention
Technologies de l'information — Architecture ...
1.1 Introductioin This document describes the overall UPnP AV Architecture, which forms the foundation for the UPnP AV Device and Service templates. The AV Architecture defines the general interaction between UPnP control...
Avis d'intention
Technologies de l'information — Architecture ...
This device specification is compliant with the Universal Plug and Play Device Architecture version 1.0 [14]. It defines a device type referred to herein as MediaRenderer. The MediaRenderer specification defines a general...
Avis d'intention
Technologies de l'information - Architecture ...
This document specifies the characteristics of the UPnP networked service named ContentDirectory, version 4. This service definition is compliant with UPnP Device Architecture 1.0 [14]. Many devices within the home network...
Avis d'intention
Appareils électrodomestiques et analogues - Sécurité...
This clause of Part 1 is replaced by the following. This International Standard deals with the safety of electric room heaters for household and similar purposes, their rated voltage being not more than 250 V for single-phase...
Avis d'intention
Évaluation des propriétés des matières polymères
1.1 This Standard provides procedures for evaluating polymeric materials and parts made from polymeric materials intended for application in electrical equipment covered by the Canadian Electrical Code, Part II (CEC, Part II)...
Avis d'intention
Dispositifs de commande électrique automatiques...
Scope This clause of Part 1 is applicable except as follows: 1.1 Replacement: This part of IEC 60730 applies to the partial evaluation of thermal motor protectors as defined in IEC 60730-1 for sealed (hermetic and semi...
Avis d'intention
Vannes électriques
1.1 This Standard applies to electrically operated, general-purpose valves* and safety valves* that are intended to be used in ordinary locations in accordance with the Canadian Electrical Code, Part I, for the control of...
Avis d'intention
Technologies de l'information - Codage d'objets...
Reference software is normative in the sense that any conforming implementation of the software, taking the same conformant bitstreams, using the same output file format, will output the same file. Complying ISO/IEC 14496...
Avis d'intention
Connecteurs de tuyaux à gaz pour appareils portatifs...
1.1 This Standard applies to gas hose connectors (See Clause 3 Definitions), hereinafter referred to as connectors. They are conduits for conveying gas and depend for gas-tightness on the wall structure of the hose material...
Avis d'intention
Technologies de l’information — Gouvernance des...
This document provides guiding principles for members of governing bodies of organizations (which can comprise owners, directors, partners, executive managers, or similar) on the effective, efficient, and acceptable use of...
Avis d'intention
Technologies de l'information — Applications ...
This Recommendation | International Standard specifies an ASN.1 type (see ITU-T Rec. X.680 ISO/IEC 8824-1) whose abstract values represent instances of the W3C XML Information Set. It also specifies binary encodings for those...