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Avis d'intention
Conduit métallique rigide électrique - Aluminium...
1.1 These requirements cover aluminum (ERMC-A) and stainless steel (ERMC-SS) electrical rigid metal conduit, nipples, elbows, and couplings in 12 - 155 (3/8 - 6) trade sizes for use as metal raceway for the installation of...
Avis d'intention
Conduit métallique électrique rigide - Aluminium...
1.1 These requirements cover aluminum (ERMC-A) and stainless steel (ERMC-SS) electrical rigid metal conduit, nipples, elbows, and couplings in 12 - 155 (3/8 - 6) trade sizes for use as metal raceway for the installation of...
Avis d'intention
Standard for Automatic Sprinklers for Fire-Protection...
These requirements cover automatic sprinklers including conventional, spray, sidewall, extended coverage, residential, certain specific application sprinklers and storage sprinklers including early suppression fast response...
Avis d'intention
Electrical rigid metal conduit - Aluminum, red...
1. Scope 1.1 These requirements cover aluminum (ERMC-A) and stainless steel (ERMC-SS) electrical rigid metal conduit, nipples, elbows, and couplings in 12 - 155 (3/8 - 6) trade sizes for use as metal raceway for the...
Avis d'intention
Calcul de la résistance mécanique des éléments...
1.1 This Standard applies to the design of aluminum alloy members and assemblies intended to carry a known load. 1.2 This Standard specifies requirements for the design of members to meet the requirements of the National...
Méta-Analyse du CVIIP - Volume 3: Le rôle des...
Pour obtenir la performance souhaitée des infrastructures à long terme, les professionnels responsables de la planification, de la conception, de la construction, de l’exploitation et de l’entretien de ces infrastructures...
Avis d'intention
Technologies de l'information - Langages de programmation...
This Technical Report provides guidance on the use of Ada when producing high integrity systems. In producing such applications it is usually the case that adherence to guidelines or standards has to be demonstrated to...
Avis d'intention
Câble modulaire système assemblées et raccords...
1.1 These requirements cover a modular cable system consisting of electrical cables, factory or field installed modular connectors and other system devices. Modular cable system connectors and other system devices are only...
Avis d'intention
Dispositifs de positionnement
1.1 This standard applies to those metallic and nonmetallic devices used for positioning - which may include bundling and securing - or to a limited extent supporting cable, wire, conduit, or tubing of a wiring system in...
Avis d'intention
Contacteurs de moyenne tension à courant alternatif...
This Standard is applicable to ac contactors with rated voltages of 1501 to 7200 V, and metal-enclosed contactor-based controllers, control centres, and other control assemblies and associated equipment with rated voltages of...
Avis d'intention
Éclairage et marquage du matériel agricole circulant...
This Standard is a Canadian adoption without modification of the identically titled ANSI/ASAE (American National Standards Institute/American Society of Agricultural Engineers) Standard S279.17 JUL2013 that provides...
Avis d'intention
Dispositifs de positionnement
1.1 This Standard applies to those metallic and nonmetallic devices used for positioning - which may include bundling and securing - or to a limited extent supporting cable, wire, conduit, or tubing of a wiring system in...