Norme sur la mousse d'étanchéité à l'air de polyuréthane monocomposant appliquée en cordon, partie 1 : spécifications relatives au matériau

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En cours d'élaboration
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Date de fin de la période de commentaires des OEN:
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Champ d’application

1.1.    This Standard specifies the requirements and test methods for bead-applied one component polyurethane foam used as an air sealant for both building and non-building applications. The materials covered under this Standard may be applied on a building site or in a prefabrication (manufacturing) process. 

1.2.    This Standard does not address the requirements for this material to be used as a thermal insulation or as fire blocking material.

1.3.    The components for the one component polyurethane air sealant foam are supplied in a pre-packaged, pressurized system.

1.4.    The requirements in this Standard apply only to the use of bead-applied one component polyurethane air sealant foam when the continuous service temperature is in the range of -60 °C to +80 °C.

1.5.    The test methods used to determine the material properties provide a means of comparing different one component polyurethane air sealant foam. They are intended for use in specifications, product evaluations and quality control. They are not intended to predict end use product performance.

1.6.    One-component bead-applied polyurethane air sealant foams are open cell materials which are installed to a maximum bead size cross section of 25 mm.

1.7.    Products without a captive blowing agent do not undergo long term thermal resistance evaluation.

1.8.    This document does not purport to address all the health and safety aspects associated with its use. Anyone using this Standard has the responsibility to consult the appropriate authorities and to establish health and safety practices, in conjunction with any existing applicable regulatory requirements, prior to its use.

Raison d’être du projet

Raison d’être du projet
Mises à jour identifiées par l'industrie.

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