Mesurage du logiciel - - Logiciels et systèmes d'ingénierie taille fonctionnelle IFPUG méthode de mesure 2009
1.1 Purpose
This International Standard specifies the set of definitions, rules and steps for applying the IFPUG functional size measurement (FSM) method.
1.2 Conformity
This International Standard is conformant with all mandatory provisions of ISO/IEC 14143-1:2007.
1.3 Applicability
This International Standard can be applied to all functional domains.
NOTE IFPUG continues to publish white papers providing guidelines for use in evolving environments and domains.
This International Standard is fully convertible to prior editions of IFPUG sizing methods.
IFPUG function point analysts have identified different delivery rates (hours to deliver a function point) related to building applications in different functional domains calibrated for varying project sizes and software complexities.
1.4 Audience
This International Standard can be applied by anyone requiring a measurement of functional size. Persons experienced with the method will find this International Standard to be a useful reference.
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