Information technology - Keyboard layouts for text and office systems - Part 12: Keyboard group sele...
This document specifies mechanisms to choose between the keyboard groups specified in the ISO/IEC 9995 series, national keyboards standards, or other keyboard definitions.
These mechanisms primarily become useful when the stipulated marking on the key top can be dynamically displayed on the key top.
Ventilateurs — Effet système et facteurs d’effet système
Le présent document traite de la dégradation probable de la performance aéraulique des ventilateurs soumis à essai sur circuits standards conformément à l'ISO 5801 par rapport aux performances de ventilateurs soumis à essai dans des conditions réelles sur site. Il traite des performances d'un certain nombre de ventilateurs et de composants génériques. Les résultats obtenus constituent…
This document deals with the likely degradation of air performance of fans tested in standardized airways in accordance with ISO 5801 when compared with the performance of fans tested under actual site conditions. It deals with the performance of a number of generic types of fan and fittings. The results given are intended as guidelines and only provide trends, as the system effect depends on the…
Household and similar electrical appliances - Safety - Part 1: General requirements
IEC 60335-1:2020 deals with the safety of electrical appliances for household and similar purposes, their rated voltage being not more than 250 V for single-phase appliances and 480 V for other appliances including direct current (DC) supplied appliances and battery-operated appliances.
Appliances not intended for normal household use but which nevertheless may be a source of danger to the public…
Household and similar electrical appliances - Safety - Part 1: General requirements
IEC 60335-1:2020 deals with the safety of electrical appliances for household and similar purposes, their rated voltage being not more than 250 V for single-phase appliances and 480 V for other appliances including direct current (DC) supplied appliances and battery-operated appliances.
Appliances not intended for normal household use but which nevertheless may be a source of danger to the…
Household and similar electrical appliances - Safety - Part 1: General requirements
IEC 60335-1:2020 CMV contains both the official standard and its commented version. The commented version provides you with a quick and easy way to compare all the changes between IEC 60335-1:2020 edition 6.0 and the previous edition IEC 60335-1:2010+AMD1:2013+AMD2:2016 CSV edition 5.2. Futhermore, comments from IEC TC 61 experts are provided to explain the reasons of the most relevant changes…
Water quality — Guidance for rapid radioactivity measurements in nuclear or radiological emergency s...
This document provides guidelines for testing laboratories wanting to use rapid test methods on water samples that may be contaminated following a nuclear or radiological emergency incident. In an emergency situation, consideration should be given to:
— taking into account the specific context for the tests to be performed, e.g. a potentially high level of contamination;
— using or…
1.1 These requirements cover valves that are intended to be used for the control of flammable and
combustible liquids and their vapors. They are of the type commonly used in piping systems and in the
assembly of motor fuel dispensing and fuel burning equipment. Valves covered by this standard are for
use with flammable liquids which are handled at temperatures normally within the range of -29°…
Soupapes pour liquides inflammables et combustibles
inflammables et combustibles et de leurs vapeurs. Elles sont du type couramment utilisé dans les
systèmes de tuyauterie et dans l’assemblage d’équipements de distribution et de combustion de
carburant. Les soupapes visées par la présente norme sont destinées à être utilisées avec des liquides
inflammables qui sont manipulés à des températures normalement comprises entre -29 °C (-20 °F) et 52…
Intelligent transport systems — Framework for cooperative telematics applications for regulated comm...
This document addresses the provision of ?Remote Digital Tachograph Monitoring' and specifies the form and content of the transmission of such data required to support such systems, and access methods to that data.
This document provides specifications for common communications and data exchange aspects of the application service remote digital tachograph monitoring that a jurisdiction…