Geographic information — Land Administration Domain Model (LADM) — Part 4: Valuation information
This part of ISO 19152 provides the concepts and detailed structure for standardization in the land administration domain. In order to achieve public policy objectives, some regulations use geographical spaces for mandating or enabling particular behaviours or outcomes.
This part of ISO 19152 defines a general schema for valuation information systems in the context of the land administration.…
Acoustics — Measurement of sound absorption properties of road surfaces in situ — Part 2: Spot metho...
ISO 13472-2:2010 specifies a test method for measuring in situ the sound absorption coefficient of road surfaces for the one-third-octave-band frequencies ranging from 250 Hz to 1 600 Hz under normal incidence conditions. For special purposes, the frequency range can be changed by modifying the dimensions of the system.
The test method is intended for: a) determination of the sound absorption…
Domestic gas cooking appliances — Safety — Part 22: Particular requirements for ovens and compartmen...
This document specifies particular requirements for safety, construction and materials of domestic gas ovens and compartment grills. For general requirements for safety, construction and materials of gas ovens and compartment grills, ISO/TS 21364-1:2021 applies.
This document covers the following gas cooking appliances:
— ovens with natural or forced convection;
— pyrolytic-self-cleaning…
Domestic gas cooking appliances — Safety — Part 21: Particular requirements for gas hobs, gas grills...
This document specifies particular requirements for safety, construction and materials of household gas surface cooking appliances. For general requirements for safety, construction and materials of gas hobs, see ISO/TS 21364-1:2021.
This document covers the following:
— surface cooking appliances:
— hobs;
— surface grills;
— griddles;
being built-in, part of a cooking appliance or…
Domestic gas cooking appliances — Safety — Part 1: General requirements
This document specifies the safety requirements for domestic gas cooking appliances. These appliances are freestanding, built-in or table-top and are intended to be used indoors. This document applies to the gas sections of the appliances and their component parts (e.g. combined gas-electric cooking appliances). This document does not apply to:
a) electrical heated elements as part of the…
Radiological protection — Procedures for monitoring the dose to the lens of the eye, the skin and th...
ISO 15382:2015 provides procedures for monitoring the dose to the skin, the extremities, and the lens of the eye. It gives guidance on how to decide if such dosemeters are needed and to ensure that individual monitoring is appropriate to the nature of the exposure, taking practical considerations into account. National regulations, if they exist, provide requirements that need to be followed.
Guidance for practical implementation of ISO 37155 series for supervising at each life cycle phase o...
This International Standard gives a framework for supervising each life cycle phase of smart community infrastructures as system of systems at practice and enables utilizing ISO 37155 series and ISO/TR 37152 in more comprehensive and practical manner especially for community and national authorities as well as relevant major contractors. ISO 37155 series are guidelines for development, operation…
Health informatics — International patient summary
This document defines the core data set for a patient summary document that supports continuity of care for a person and coordination of their healthcare. It is specifically aimed at supporting the use case’ scenario for ‘unplanned, cross border care’ and is intended to be an international patient summary (IPS). Whilst the data set is minimal and non-exhaustive, it provides a robust, well-defined…
Air cargo unit load devices — Performance requirements and test parameters
This document specifies the minimum requirements for airworthiness approval of air cargo pallets, nets and containers, generally designated as air cargo unit load devices (ULD).
This document is intended to provide a uniform technical reference for air cargo unit load devices approval. As a prerequisite, it is presupposed that the applicable general civil aviation requirements and the aircraft…
Biodiversity – Requirements and guidelines for strategically and operationally addressing biodiversi...
This standard defines requirements and guidelines to help organisations understanding and mainstreaming biodiversity’s protection, conservation, the sustainable use of its components and the fair and equitable sharing of the benefits arising out of the utilization of genetic resources, within their activities.
This standard is suitable for all kind of organisations (e.g. economic operators,…