Applies to the basic Canada Standard sizing system for woman's
apparel. It describes the system and development procedure and
provides in tabular form body measurements in metric units for
standard size ranges covering practically all of the adult female
population. This sizing system does not cover footwear, hosiery
or gloves.
Canada Standard System for Sizing Infants' Apparel
1.1 This standard describes the basic Canada Standard sizing system for
determining the body size of infants. It outlines the development of the
system and provides in tabular form body measurements in metric units for a
standard size range that includes approximately 90% of Canadian infants, male
and female, from birth to approximately thirty months of age. The system
provides a…
Application of the Canada Standard System for the Sizing of Girls' and Boys'
1.1 This standard presents a modification of the complete Canada Standard
sizing system described in CAN2-49.5-M. More specifically the control
dimensions given in CAN2-49.5-M are called size indicator dimensions and for
all children's and girl's sizes, crotch height has been replaced by waist
height as the vertical size indicator dimension to conform more closely to
Bases for the design of structures — Deformations of buildings at the serviceability limit states
Establishes the basic principles that should be adopted when setting up national standards, regulations and recommendations for the deformation of buildings at the limit states of serviceability. Refers to the deformations at the serviceability limit states of buildings such as dwellings, offices, public buildings, and factories. Does not refer to the deformations of bridges, roads, masts,…
ISO/IEC code of principles on "reference to standards"
The standards-making procedures of ISO and IEC and their members are at the disposal of intergovernmental organizations and national governmental agencies wishing to use the principle of reference to standards. This Guide gives 5 principles which have been adopted by the ISO and IEC Councils with a view to guiding the work of ISO and IEC towards standards which can be referenced in legislation or…
ISO/IEC code of principles on "reference to standards"
The standards-making procedures of ISO and IEC and their members are at the disposal of intergovernmental organizations and national governmental agencies wishing to use the principle of reference to standards. This Guide gives 5 principles which have been adopted by the ISO and IEC Councils with a view to guiding the work of ISO and IEC towards standards which can be referenced in legislation or…
Textile machinery and accessories — Weft pirns for automatic looms
The dimensions of weft pirns for automatic looms are specified. The dimensions shall be as shown in the tables (table 1: Dimensions - dimensions in national standards may lie anywhere within the indicated range -; table 2: Length and diameters). Dimensions of the pirn tip shall be as given in ISO 1131.
This Guide establishes certain basic principles for the functioning of a system of product information. It concerns those cases where the information is based in general on standards approved or recognized by ISO, IEC or the national standards body, and is one of a series dealing with various aspects of consumer information, including comparative testing and marks of conformity with standards.
Specifies the main dimensions for the certain number of tool types, and the codified designation of dies and the marking. Details not indicated are left to the discretion of the manufacturers or should be specified in national standards. Includes, in annex A, a comparison of several dimensions for various types of drawing dies, and, in annex B, a terminology, in several languages, for…