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Code de la Norme nationale du Canada (NNC)
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Affichage 4191 - 4197 de 4197
Test methods for repair materials for water-leakage cracks in underground concrete structures — Part...
ISO/TS 16774-6:2017 specifies a laboratory test method for evaluating the substrate (crack) movement response of water-leakage crack repair materials through permeability testing. The repair material injected into a test specimen with an artificial crack undergoes simulated movements normally caused by thermal expansion, settlement and vibrations in leakage cracks found in concrete structures…
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Test methods for repair materials for water-leakage cracks in underground concrete structures — Part...
ISO/TS 16774-5:2017 specifies a laboratory test method for evaluating watertightness of water-leakage crack repair materials through permeability testing. These permeability test procedures follow applied conditions outlined in different national testing parameters and requirements. As such, the results are only intended to provide a comparative performance evaluation of the waterproofing repair…
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Biodiversity – Requirements and guidelines for strategically and operationally addressing biodiversi...
This standard defines requirements and guidelines to help organisations understanding and mainstreaming biodiversity’s protection, conservation, the sustainable use of its components and the fair and equitable sharing of the benefits arising out of the utilization of genetic resources, within their activities. This standard is suitable for all kind of organisations (e.g. economic operators,…
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Intelligent transport systems — Reference model architecture(s) for the ITS sector — Part 1: ITS ser...
ISO 14813-1:2015 provides a description of the primary services that an ITS implementation can provide to ITS users. Those services with a common purpose can be collected together in "'ITS service domains'" and within these there can be a number of "'ITS service groups'" for particular parts of the domain. This part of ISO 14813 identifies thirteen service…
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Code(s) de l'ICS :
03.220.01; 35.240.60
Building information modelling (BIM) — Data templates for objects used in the life cycle of assets
This document sets out the principles and structure for data templates for construction objects. It is developed to support digital processes using machine-readable formats using a standard data structure to exchange information about any type of construction object, e.g. product, system, assembly, space, building etc., used in the inception, brief, design, production, operation and demolition of…
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Code(s) de l'ICS :
Ventilateurs — Effet système et facteurs d’effet système
Le présent document traite de la dégradation probable de la performance aéraulique des ventilateurs soumis à essai sur circuits standards conformément à l'ISO 5801 par rapport aux performances de ventilateurs soumis à essai dans des conditions réelles sur site. Il traite des performances d'un certain nombre de ventilateurs et de composants génériques. Les résultats obtenus constituent…
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Security and resilience — Guidelines for hardened protective shelters
The proposed standard provides guidelines for hardened protective shelters in terms of their planning, construction, operation and maintenance. It acts as guidance to any activity or operation related to hardened protective shelters and offers help to all relevant stakeholders in their endeavours to protect citizens, assets and important societal functions against harmful effects of hazards,…
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Code(s) de l'ICS :
03.100.01; 91.040.99