Matériel électrique pour atmosphères explosives gazeuses - Partie
12: Classement des mélanges de gaz...
Donne des directives pour le choix du groupe ou sous-groupe
approprié de matériels électriques protégés par une enveloppe
antidéflagrante ou conçus de façon à être à sécurité intrinsèque,
d'après le gaz ou la vapeur dans lesquels les matériels sont
destinés à être utilisés. Indique les critères de classement des
gaz et des vapeurs les plus courants. Des conseils sont donnés au
sujet des…
Bases for the design of structures — Deformations of buildings at the serviceability limit states
Establishes the basic principles that should be adopted when setting up national standards, regulations and recommendations for the deformation of buildings at the limit states of serviceability. Refers to the deformations at the serviceability limit states of buildings such as dwellings, offices, public buildings, and factories. Does not refer to the deformations of bridges, roads, masts,…
Defines the principal terms used. These terms and their definitions conform to ISO 31/VI and CIE Publication 17. It states in the annex the spectral distribution of solar radiation energy (in the infra-red spectrum). This annex is not an integral part of the standard.
Building construction — Modular co-ordination — Stairs and stair openings — Co-ordinating dimensions
Gives general principles for coordinating dimensions of stairs and stair openings in building construction. Applies to buildings of all types. Belongs to a series of ISO publications concerning modular co-ordination in building construction.
Guide for the Selection and Use of Preferred Numbers
Provides guidance in the selection of preferred numbers for use
in standardization, rationalization, and size selection, leading
to a degree of variety control that would otherwise be difficult
or impossible. Preferred numbers are independent of any
measurement system and can, therefore, be used with metric or
yard/pound units, with currencies, with dimensionless numbers,
etc. This…
Rolling bearings — Metric tapered roller bearings — Boundary dimensions and series designations
Applies to bearing and sub-unit boundary dimensions for single-row metric tapered roller. It also specifies a series designation for each bearing. Tolerances are given in separate ISO publications. For front face corners no dimensions are given, however, they should not be sharp.
Aerials for the reception of sound and television broadcasting in the frequency range 30 MHz to 1 GH...
Specifies the conditions and methods of measurement of electrical performance parameters of aerials for the reception of sound and television broadcasting. This publication supersedes IEC 138 (1962).
Antennes pour la réception de la radiodiffusion sonore et visuelle dans la gamme de fréquences compr...
Spécifie les conditions et les méthodes de mesures des caractéristiques électriques des antennes pour la réception de la radiodiffusion sonore et visuelle. Cette publication remplace la CEI 138 (1962).
Sound system equipment - Part 9: Artificial reverberation, time delay and frequency shift equipment
Applies to devices intended to give reverberation, time delay or frequency shift to signals of an acoustical origin. It covers the types of devices commonly employed to achieve special effects on sound recording, broadcasting and public-address systems. Provides details of the special characteristics and corresponding methods of measurement to be used for artificial reverberation, time delay and…