Ces essais consistent en une combinaison de l'essai Fc: Vibrations (sinusoïdales) et des essais B: Chaleur sèche.
A le statut d'une publication fondamentale de sécurité, conformément au Guide CEI 104.
Vocabulaire Electrotechnique International (IEV) - Partie 881: Radiologie et physique radiologique
Cette publication remplace la CEI 60050(65) (1964). Elle a le statut de norme horizontale conformément au <a href="https://webstore.iec.ch/advsearchform?&RefNbr=108&typepub=GUIDE">Guide IEC 108</a>.
Requirements for the Reactor Regulating Systems of CANDU Nuclear Power Plants
1. Scope
1.1 The Standard is concerned with two aspects of the reactor regulating system. The first relates to reactor safety; the second is concerned with effective control of the reactor. These two aspects are not separate. This Standard, therefore, addresses itself to two points:
(a) To ensure that the reactor regulating system operates to limit, to acceptable values, the frequency…
1. Scope
1.1 This Standard gives minimum requirements for ventilators designed to provide ventilation of building spaces by means of the natural flow of air.
1.2 This Standard includes physical, performance, and marking requirements. It also includes Appendices giving recommendations for installation of ventilators to ventilate building spaces and a guide for determining net…
General rules for a model third-party certification system for products
The rules are valid for the following type of certification system: a third party certification system of determining conformity with product standards through initial testing and assessment of a factory quality management system and its acceptance followed by surveillance (corresponds to system No. 5 as described in ISO/ITC publication "Certification - Principles and practice"). A…
General rules for a model third-party certification system for products
The rules are valid for the following type of certification system: a third party certification system of determining conformity with product standards through initial testing and assessment of a factory quality management system and its acceptance followed by surveillance (corresponds to system No. 5 as described in ISO/ITC publication "Certification - Principles and practice"). A…
1. Scope
1.1 This Standard covers decorative and industrial plywood made primarily with hardwood veneer faces. It also includes decorative plywood made with certain softwood veneer faces.
1.2 This Standard provides minimum requirements in terms of construction, sizes, grades, sanding, and glue bond.
1.3 This Standard also applies to hardwood plywood wall panelling in all…
Filtres à air non nettoyables à élément filtrant plissé
Exigences quant aux dimensions, aux caractéristiques et aux méthodes d'essai relatives aux filtres à air non nettoyables à élément filtrant plissé pourvu d'un support interne, destinés à être utilisés dans les conditions où les poussières atmosphériques sont généralement de dimensions inférieures à 5 micromètres. La présente norme s'applique aux filtres à air équipant les…
Filtres à air non nettoyables à tampon ou à panneau
Exigences quant aux dimensions, aux caractéristiques et aux méthodes d'essai relatives aux filtres à air non nettoyables à tampon ou à panneau, destinés à être utilisés dans les conditions où les poussières atmosphériques sont généralement de dimensions supérieures à 1,0 micromètre. La présente norme s'applique aux filtres à air équipant les installations de conditionnement de l'…