Natural capital accounting for organizations — Principles, requirements and guidelines
This standard provides specifications and guidance for the process of preparing natural capital accounts. Natural capital accounting is a systematic way of collating financial, socio-economic and environmental information about an organization’s impacts and dependencies on nature and presenting it in formats that are familiar to decision makers. Such accounts enable organizations to see all the…
This document specifies the ICT perspective requirements to manage the information of response resources for a public health emergency (PHE) response. The scope of the document includes:
overview of response resource information management;
requirements for managing response resource information including:
information collection for monitoring the status of response resources;
Information technology — Business operational view — Part 8: Identification of privacy protection re...
ISO/IEC 15944-8:2012 has been developed to support modelling generic international requirements for identifying and providing privacy protection of personal information throughout any kind of information and communications technology (ICT) based business transaction where the individual has the role of a buyer. It provides users and designers with a methodology and tools addressing requirements…
This document provides a framework of recommendations for organizations that offer a public-facing digital product or service for which they conduct trust and safety operations to control or manage content- and conduct-related risks.
This document also includes recommendations for assessing the implementation of practices for addressing content- and conduct-related risks.
Biotechnology — Biobanking — Requirements for sample containers for storing biological materials in ...
This document specifies requirements for sample containers intended for the storage of biological materials in biobanks. In addition to general requirements, this also includes special requirements depending on the storage conditions, the biological material and the intended use, as well as requirements for documentation and quality control. These requirements ensure a defined quality for the…
Guidelines for the management of mobile toilets under epidemic situations
The document provides guidelines for the management of mobile toilets under Public Health Emergencies (PHEs) from different perspectives, including users, operators, and suppliers. It also creates a safe sanitation service for the users, cleaners, and manure transporters. It is applicable to epidemic situations of major respiratory tract and intestinal infectious diseases, but not to group…
This document gives the safety requirements and measures for stationary:
— cold presses;
— hot presses;
— bending presses;
— edge/face gluing presses;
— membrane presses;
— embossing presses;
where the pressing force is applied by hydraulic actuators pushing two flat or shaped surfaces against each other, capable of continuous production use, hereinafter referred to as "machines".
Matériel de protection des cultures — Pulvérisateurs à dos — Partie 1: Exigences environnementales e...
L'ISO 19932-1:2013 spécifie les exigences environnementales et de sécurité, et leur moyens de vérification, relatives à la conception et la construction des pulvérisateurs à dos destinés à être utilisés avec des produits de protection des cultures et que l'opérateur porte sur le dos ou sur l'épaule. En outre, elle spécifie le type d'informations que le fabricant doit fournir…
Equipment for crop protection — Knapsack sprayers — Part 1: Safety and environmental requirements
ISO 19932-1:2013 specifies the safety and environmental requirements and their means of verification for the design and construction of knapsack sprayers carried on the back or shoulder of the operator for use with plant protection products. In addition, it specifies the type of information on safe working practices (including residual risks) to be provided by the manufacturer.
It is applicable…