Water quality — Enumeration of culturable microorganisms — Colony count by spread plate inoculation ...
This document specifies a method for the enumeration of culturable microorganisms in water by counting the colonies on a low-nutrient agar culture medium after incubation at 22 °C for 7 d.
The method is intended to measure the operational efficiency of the treatment process of public drinking water supplies, including the water in distribution systems and containers. The method is particularly…
ISO 17724:2003 defines terms relating to graphical symbols, principally symbols for public information and use on equipment and safety signs. It does not include terms related to graphical symbols for diagrams [technical product documentation (tpd) symbols].
The definitions are intended to serve as a basis for consideration by those concerned with producing new, or revising existing standards.
Machines à bois — Sécurité — Partie 10: Scies de chantier
L'ISO 19085-10:2018 donne les exigences et les mesures de sécurité pour les scies de chantier transportables, conçues pour la coupe de bois et de matériau ayant des caractéristiques physiques similaires à celles du bois, ci-après désignées «machines».
NOTE 1 Pour la définition de machine transportable, voir l'ISO 19085‑1:2017, 3.5.
L'ISO 19085-10:2018 traite de tous les…
Graphical symbols — Safety colours and safety signs — Natural disaster safety way guidance system
This document specifies the principles governing the design and application of signs and plans used to create a natural disaster safety way guidance system to help people evacuate to safe areas or places of refuge in case of natural disasters (e.g. tsunamis, floods, debris flows, steep slope failures, landslides, tornados, large-scale fires, active volcanoes).
This document provides guidance on…
Care quality for older persons at home and in care facilities
This document would specify requirements and recommendations for the provision of health and social care services for older persons provided by healthcare and social care personnel, irrespective of whether the service is provided in the persons own home or in a care home. The services concerned also include those offered to older people who do not reside permanently at a care home, such as…
Medical electrical equipment — Part 2-30: Particular requirements for basic safety and essential per...
IEC 80601-2-30:2018 applies to the basic safety and essential performance of automated sphygmomanometers, hereafter referred to as ME equipment, which by means of an inflatable cuff, are used for non continuous indirect estimation of the blood pressure without arterial puncture. This document specifies requirements for the basic safety and essential performance for this ME equipment and its…
Cybersecurity — Artificial Intelligence — Guidance for addressing security threats and failures in a...
This document provides guidance for organizations to address security threats and failures in artificial intelligence (AI) systems. The guidance in this document aims to provide information to organizations to help them better understand the consequences of security threats to AI systems, throughout their lifecycle, and descriptions of how to detect and mitigate such threats.
This document is…
Public information guidance systems — Part 1: Design principles and element requirements for locatio...
ISO 28564-1:2010 specifies requirements and principles for the design and application of location plans, maps and diagrams used in public areas and workplaces to assist users to understand the environment, locate facilities and determine appropriate routes to reach those facilities. These location plans, maps and diagrams are referred to as location plans in ISO 28564-1:2010.
Location plans are…
Ergonomie de l'interaction homme-système — Partie 171: Recommandations relatives à l’accessibil...
L'ISO 9241-171:2008 fournit des lignes directrices relatives à l'ergonomie et des spécifications pour la conception de logiciels accessibles destinés à être utilisés au travail, à la maison, dans l'éducation et dans les lieux publics. Elle couvre les aspects liés à la conception de logiciels accessibles pour les personnes présentant le plus large éventail possible de capacités…
Information security, cybersecurity and privacy protection — Testing cryptographic modules in their ...
This document provides recommendations and checklists which can be used to support the specification and operational testing of cryptographic modules in their operational environment within an organization's security system.
The cryptographic modules have four security levels which ISO/IEC 19790 defines to provide for a wide spectrum of data sensitivity (e.g. low-value administrative data,…