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Geographic information — Transfer Nodes
ISO 19147:2015 specifies the data types and code lists associated with those types for the implementation of transfer nodes and their services in transport modelling and location based services. It includes the following: ? defines transfer nodes in a multimodal way so that the definition is general and valid for all types of transport means and modes; ? links transfer nodes to a location…
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Code(s) de l'ICS :
Industrial communication networks - Fieldbus specifications - Part 4-14: Data-link layer protocol sp...
IEC 61158-4-14:2010 specifies procedures for the timely transfer of data and control information from one data-link user entity to a peer user entity, and among the data-link entities forming the distributed data-link service provider; procedures for giving communications opportunities to all participating DL entities, sequentially and in a cyclic manner for deterministic and synchronized…
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Code(s) de l'ICS :
25.040.40; 25.040.40
Industrial communication networks - Fieldbus specifications - Part 4-14: Data-link layer protocol sp...
IEC 61158-4-14:2010 specifies procedures for the timely transfer of data and control information from one data-link user entity to a peer user entity, and among the data-link entities forming the distributed data-link service provider; procedures for giving communications opportunities to all participating DL entities, sequentially and in a cyclic manner for deterministic and synchronized…
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Date de publication :
Code(s) de l'ICS :
25.040.40; 25.040.40