Geographic information — Calibration and validation of remote sensing imagery sensors and data — Par...
ISO/TS 19159-1:2014 defines the calibration and validation of airborne and spaceborne remote sensing imagery sensors. The term "calibration" refers to geometry, radiometry, and spectral, and includes the instrument calibration in a laboratory as well as in situ calibration methods. The validation methods address validation of the calibration information.
Water quality — Determination of dissolved oxygen — Optical sensor method
ISO 17289:2014 specifies an optical method for the determination of dissolved oxygen in water using a sensor working on the basis of fluorescence quenching.
Measurement can be made either as a concentration of oxygen in milligrams per litre, percentage saturation (% dissolved oxygen), or both. Depending on the instrument used, detection limits of 0,1 mg/l or 0,2 mg/l can be reached according to…
Buildings and civil engineering works — Sealants — Determination of changes in cohesion and appearan...
ISO 11617:201 specifies laboratory exposure procedures for determining the effects of cyclic movement and artificial weathering on cured, elastic weatherproofing joint sealants (one- or multi-component).
Method of measurement of hydrogen permeation and determination of hydrogen uptake and transport in m...
ISO 17081:2014 specifies a laboratory method for the measurement of hydrogen
permeation and for the determination of hydrogen atom uptake and transport in
metals, using an electrochemical technique. The term "metal" as used in ISO
17081:2014 includes alloys.
ISO 17081:2014 describes a method for evaluating hydrogen uptake in metals,
based on measurement of steady-state hydrogen flux…
Acoustics — Determination and application of measurement uncertainties in building acoustics — Part ...
ISO 12999-1:2014 specifies procedures for assessing the measurement uncertainty of sound insulation in building acoustics. It provides for a detailed uncertainty assessment, a determination of uncertainties by inter-laboratory tests, and an application of uncertainties.
Industrial process control systems - Guideline for evaluating process control systems - Part 1: Spec...
IEC TS 62603-1:2014 describes methods and provides guidance for the evaluation of Process Control Systems (PCS) during the phase of selection between different proposals. The methods of evaluation proposed in this technical specification are intended for use mainly by users, engineering companies, or independent test laboratories, to verify manufacturers' proposals during the tender (as…
Interior air of road vehicles — Part 5: Screening method for the determination of the emissions of v...
ISO 12219-5:2014 specifies a chamber based, static headspace type method for measuring volatile organic compounds (VOCs), formaldehyde and other carbonyl compounds which may diffuse from vehicle interior unit components into the cabin air. The chamber emission test is intended to provide characteristic emission of unit component to car interior of assembly level emission. It also specifies the…
Electromagnetic compatibility (EMC) - Part 4-5: Testing and measurement techniques - Surge immunity ...
IEC 61000-4-5:2014 relates to the immunity requirements, test methods, and range of recommended test levels for equipment with regard to unidirectional surges caused by over-voltages from switching and lightning transients. Several test levels are defined which relate to different environment and installation conditions. These requirements are developed for and are applicable to electrical and…
Microbiology of food, animal feed and water — Preparation, production, storage and performance testi...
ISO 11133:2014 defines terms related to quality assurance of culture media and specifies the requirements for the preparation of culture media intended for the microbiological analysis of food, animal feed, and samples from the food or feed production environment as well as all kinds of water intended for consumption or used in food production. These requirements are applicable to all categories…