Surface acoustic wave (SAW) filters of assessed quality - Part 2: Guidelines for the use
IEC 60862-2:2012 gives practical guidance on the use of SAW filters which are used in telecommunications, measuring equipment, radar systems and consumer products. IEC 60862-1 should be referred to for general information, standard values and test conditions. This part of IEC 60862 includes various kinds of filter configuration, of which the operating frequency range is from approximately 10 MHz…
Standard For Fittings for compressed hydrogen gas and hydrogen rich gas mixtures
1.1 Scope
This standard specifies uniform methods for testing and evaluating the performance of fittings for use with
compressed hydrogen gas and hydrogen rich gas mixtures. It does not address special requirements for
liquid and slush hydrogen.
This standard applies to hydrogen systems applications to meet current market needs.
In this standard, the term “fittings” includes fittings,…
Standard for Hoses for compressed hydrogen fuel stations, dispensers and vehicle fuel systems
1.1 Scope
This standard contains safety requirements for material, design, manufacture and testing of gaseous
hydrogen hose and hose assemblies. This standard applies to newly manufactured hose and hose
assemblies for:
• connecting the dispenser to the fueling nozzle, high pressure (class A)
• used as part of a vehicle on-board fuel storage system, high pressure (class B)
• used as…
Safety requirements for electrical equipment for measurement, control, and laboratory use — Part 2-0...
1 Scope and object
This clause of Part 1 is applicable except as follows:
1.1.1 Equipment included in scope
Replace the text with the following:
This part of IEC 61010 specifies safety requirements for testing and measuring circuits which are
connected for test or measurement purposes to devices or circuits outside the measurement equipment
These include measurement circuits which…
Règles de sécurité pour appareils électriques de mesurage, de régulation et de laboratoire — Partie ...
1 Domaine d'application et objet
1.1 Domaine d'application
1.1.1 Appareils inclus dans le domaine d’application
La présente partie de la CEI 61010 spécifie les exigences générales de sécurité pour les
types suivants d’appareils électriques et leurs accessoires où qu'ils soient destinés à être
a) Appareils électriques d'essai et de mesurage
Il s'agit d…
Information technology — Object Management Group — Common Object Request Broker Architecture (CORBA)...
ISO/IEC 19500-2:2012 specifies a comprehensive, flexible approach to supporting networks of objects that are distributed across and managed by multiple, heterogeneous CORBA-compliant Object Request Brokers (ORBs). The approach to inter-ORB operation is universal, because elements can be combined in many ways to satisfy a very broad range of needs.
ISO/IEC 19500-2:2012 specifies
Information technology - Object Management Group - Common Object Request Broker Architecture (CORBA)...
ISO/IEC 19500-2:2012 specifies a comprehensive, flexible approach to supporting networks of objects that are distributed across and managed by multiple, heterogeneous CORBA-compliant Object Request Brokers (ORBs). The approach to inter-ORB operation is universal, because elements can be combined in many ways to satisfy a very broad range of needs.
ISO/IEC 19500-2:2012 specifies
Surface mounted piezoelectric devices for frequency control and selection - Standard outlines and te...
IEC 61837-1:2012 deals with standard outlines and terminal lead connections as they apply to SMDs for frequency control and selection in plastic moulded enclosures and is based on IEC 61240.
This publication is to be read in conjunction with IEC 61240:1994.
Information technology — User interfaces — Accessibility of personal computer hardware
ISO/IEC 29136:2012 provides requirements and recommendations for the accessibility of personal computer hardware, to be used when planning, developing, designing and distributing these computers. While it does not cover the behaviour of, or requirements for, assistive technologies, it does address connectivity of assistive technologies as an integrated component of interactive systems. Some…