Semiconductor die products - Part 4: Questionnaire for die users and suppliers
IEC/TR 62258-4:2012 has been developed to facilitate the production, supply and use of semiconductor die products, including:
- wafers;
- singulated bare die;
- die and wafers with attached connection structures;
- minimally or partially encapsulated die and wafers.
This technical report contains a questionnaire, based on the requirements of other parts of IEC 62258, which may be used in…
General requirements for pressure-retaining systems and components in CANDU nuclear power
1 Scope
This Standard specifies the technical requirements for the design, procurement, fabrication, installation,
modification, repair, replacement, testing, examination, and inspection of, and other work related to,
pressure-retaining systems, components, and supports over the service life of a CANDU nuclear power
This Standard applies to all pressure-retaining systems,…
Low voltage surge protective devices - Part 21: Surge protective devices connected to telecommunicat...
IEC 61643-21:2000+A1:2008+A2:2012 is applicable to devices for surge protection of telecommunications and signalling networks against indirect and direct effects of lightning or other transient overvoltages. The purpose of these SPDs is to protect modern electronic equipment connected to telecommunications and signalling networks with nominal system voltags up to 1 000 V (r.m.s.) a.c. and 1 500 V…
Parafoudres basse tension - Partie 21: Parafoudres connectés aux réseaux de signaux et de télécommun...
La CEI 61643-21:2000+A1:2008+A2:2012 est applicable aux dispositifs de protection (parafoudres) contre les effets directs et indirects de la foudre ou des autres surtensions transitoires, pour les réseaux de télécommunications et de transmission de signaux. Ces parafoudres sont destinés à protéger les équipements électroniques modernes, connectés aux réseaux de télécommunications et de…
IEC 61754-26:2012 defines the standard interface dimensions for the type SF optical board connector that uses a normal glass fibre and the physical contact technique to connect flexible optical boards and ribbon fibres. Keywords: interface dimensions for type SF optical board connector
Dispositifs d'interconnexion et composants passifs à fibres optiques - Interfaces de connecteur...
La CEI 61754-26:2012 définit les dimensions d'interface normalisées pour les connecteurs de carte optique de type SF qui utilisent une fibre en verre normale et la technique du contact physique pour connecter les cartes optiques et les fibres en ruban. Mots clé: dimensions d'interface pour les connecteurs de carte optique de type SF
Passive RF and microwave devices, intermodulation level measurement - Part 3: Measurement of passive...
IEC 62037-3:2012 is part of the IEC 62037 series, and defines the impact test on coaxial connectors to evaluate their robustness against weak connections and particles inside the connector as independently as possible from the effects of cable PIM (passive intermodulation).
Safety requirements for power electronic converter systems and equipment - Part 1: General
IEC 62477-1:2012 applies to Power Electronic Converter Systems (PECS) and equipment, their components for electronic power conversion and electronic power switching, including the means for their control, protection, monitoring and measurement, such as with the main purpose of converting electric power, with rated system voltages not exceeding 1 000 V a.c. or 1 500 V d.c. This document may also…