Road vehicles — Video communication interface for cameras (VCIC) — Part 3: Camera message dictionary
This document specifies the standardized camera messages and data types used by a VCIC camera (OSI layer 7).
Applications hosted on ECUs want to communicate with one or more cameras (e.g. “Ask camera for parameters.”). If the applications can use standardized services supported by the cameras (API layer 7), the development of a vision application is independent on the camera used. The services…
Data quality — Part 81: Data quality assessment: Profiling
This document specifies a procedure for data profiling to generate the foundation for performing data quality assessment. This profiling is applicable to data sets that are either originally in a structure of tables and columns or are the output from a transformation to create such a structure.
NOTE 1 Data profiling is applicable to all types of database technology.
The following are within…
1 Scope
1.1 This Standard applies to hand-fuelled solid-fuel fired space heaters of the radiant, convection or
forced-circulating type intended for residential heating. The solid fuel intended for use with each space
heater is specified by the manufacturer.
1.2 This Standard applies to:
a) Space heaters having provision for venting directly to the outdoors; and
b) Space heaters utilizing…
Industrial communication networks - Profiles - Part 3-3: Functional safety fieldbuses - Additional s...
IEC 61784-3-3:2021 specifies a safety communication layer (services and protocol) based on CPF 3 of IEC 61784-1, IEC 61784-2 (CP 3/1, CP 3/2, CP 3/4, CP 3/5 and CP 3/6) and IEC 61158 Types 3 and 10. It identifies the principles for functional safety communications defined in IEC 61784-3 that are relevant for this safety communication layer. This safety communication layer is intended for…
Solid waste sites in northern communities: From planning to post-closure
1 Scope
1.1 Purpose
This Standard applies to the management of northern MSW facilities, including the evaluation, planning,
siting, design, implementation, monitoring, and maintenance of MSW facilities and includes pollution
risk management strategies and mitigation measures for new and existing infrastructure in northern
communities. This Standard provides
a) procedures for planning,…
Sterilization of health care products — Biological indicators — Part 7: Guidance for the selection, ...
1 Scope
The CAN/CSA-ISO 11138 series of Standards specifies general production, labelling, and performance requirements for the manufacture of biological indicators. These Standards provide detailed information on the qualification of biological indicators, but only limited information for the health care professional on the use of biological indicators. In contrast, this Standard contains much…
1 Scope
This Standard applies to automatically operating gas-fired central furnaces (see Clause 3), hereinafter
referred to as furnaces, for installation in residential, commercial, and industrial structures including
furnaces for direct vent, recreational vehicle, outdoor, and manufactured (mobile) homes. These
furnaces can include a cooling unit. All units are to be constructed…
Glass-reinforced thermosetting plastics (GRP) pipes and fittings — Test methods to prove the design ...
This document specifies methods of test for joints with a locked socket and spigot, including double-socket joints, and with elastomeric seals, for buried and above-ground glass-reinforced thermosetting plastics (GRP) piping systems.
It covers methods of testing for leaktightness and resistance to damage of the joint only, when subjected to specified combinations of angular movement, compression…
Road vehicles — Vehicle interface for electronic Periodic Technical Inspection (ePTI) — Part 1: Appl...
This document is applicable to road vehicles, where the electronic vehicle interface is used to perform a test method that is part of a periodic technical inspection (ePTI).
This document describes use cases and specifies technical requirements in order to support the ePTI-relevant vehicle safety system(s) checks during the periodic technical inspection via the electronic interface. This document…
Acoustics — Laboratory measurement of sound insulation of building elements — Part 3: Measurement of...
This document specifies laboratory methods for measuring the impact sound insulation of floor assemblies.
The test results can be used to compare the sound insulation properties of building elements, classify elements according to their sound insulation capabilities, help design building products which require certain acoustic properties and estimate the in situ performance in complete buildings…