Heat exchangers — Verification of thermal balance of water-fed or steam-fed primary circuits — Princ...
A number of suitable arrangements of test apparatus are illustrated in the annex. ISO 3147 is applicable to tests of primary circuits performed in the steady-state condition, in accordance with the specifications laid down for each type of appliance in the relevant International Standards. Where appropriate, special arrangements required for certain types of appliance may also be given in these…
Specifies the characteristics of the Atmosphere Type ISO which is applicable to planning under identical conditions, to test results end elements. Permits the unification in the range of tests and calibration of instruments. Is recommended for treatment of results of observations of geophysics and meteorology.
Specifies the main dimensions for the certain number of tool types, and the codified designation of dies and the marking. Details not indicated are left to the discretion of the manufacturers or should be specified in national standards. Includes, in annex A, a comparison of several dimensions for various types of drawing dies, and, in annex B, a terminology, in several languages, for…
These requirements cover automatic and open sprinklers employed on sprinkler
systems used for fire-protection service. Requirements for the installation
and use of sprinklers are included in the Standard for the Installation of
Sprinkler Systems, NFPA No. 13.
Sprinklers are categorized as automatic or open, and by temperature rating,
orifice size, installation position, type of…
Marking Material, Retroreflective Enclosed Lens, Flexible Type
1.1 This standard applies to a flexible enclosed element type of
retroreflective marking.
1.2 For detailed information on uses, see par. 8.2.
High-voltage coaxial connectors used in nuclear instrumentation
Applies to coaxial connectors associated with electrical
measuring instruments used in nuclear instrumentation. Establishes standard dimensions of the mating parts, construction and mounting rules, voltage rating and test voltages, mininium insulation requirements, maximum contact resistances and operating conditions for two types of high-voltage connectors.
Oil Fired Warm Air Heating Appliances for Mobile Housing and Recreational
1. Scope
1.1 These requirements apply to flue-connected oil-fired forced warm air heating appliances which provide complete separation of the combustion system, including the air for combustion and flue products from the atmosphere of the living space, for installation in mobile housing and recreational vehicles, irrespective of the heating capacity or the type of burner used.
Indicating Pressure Gauges for Fire Protection Service
These requirements cover indicating pressure gauges of the elastic element type
for use with sprinkler or standpipe equipment for fire protection service. The
nominal sizes of gauges covered by these requirements are limited to 3-1/2 and
4-1/2 inches.
Requirements for the installation and use of the gauges covered by this Guide
are included in the Standards of the National Fire…
1.1 This Standard applies to complete, flue-connected, oil-fired warm air
appliances, irrespective of the heating capacity or the type of burner used.
1.2 The requirements given herein apply to appliances intended for
installation with the appliance base placed upon the floor, except as provided
for in Clause 1.4; and intended to be used with pipes or ducts for the…
Aircraft — Fire-resisting electrical cables — Methods of test
Specifies the tests suitable for establishing the compliance of cables with the performance requirements stated in ISO 2155. Is intended to serve as a basis for test specifications to be included in the relevant national standards when the Official Board of Inspection considers that existing tests are inadequate. The tests are classified in type tests only, type tests and routine productions…