These requirements cover the design and construction of Type B
(round or oval) and Type BW Gas Vents. Type B Gas Vents are
intended for the venting of flue gases, having temperatures not
exceeding 470 degrees F, from certified gas-fired appliances with
draft hoods or diverters. Type BW Gas Vents are intended for the
venting of flue gases from gas-fired recessed heaters and the
maximum input…
This PDF includes Amd #1-#3.
1. Scope
1.1 This Standard applies to the preparation and reproduction of building drawings. It includes recommendations for a general classification of types of drawings and establishes a general context for detailed recommendations on drawing-office practice.
1. Scope
1.1 This standard applies to two types of gasoline suitable for use in automotive and spark ignition engines operating under all climate conditions.
1 Scope
1.1 This Standard contains certain standard test procedures and general requirements relating to the evaluation of wood adhesives in conformance with the O112-M Series of CSA Standards for Wood Adhesives. This Standard does not include special test methods which are peculiar to a particular adhesive and which are included in the appropriate material Standard.
Specifies mandatory and optional markings of general purpose valves and states the manner of applying the markings, i.e. on the body, on a flange, or on a identification plate. Markings on the body may be integral with the body or on a plate securely fixed to the body. The table lists those items which may be included in international standards for individual types of valves.
1. Scope
1.1 This Standard provides minimum requirements for mineral fibre, for use primarily in the insulation of dwellings and other heated building structures, and defines the types in current use. This Standard does not apply to preformed insulation less than 40 mm in thickness.
Embossed Credit Cards - Specifications, Numbering System and Registration
This standard for embossed credit cards defines the physical
specifications of the card, type fonts, location and dimensions
of the embossed data and an account numbering system. It further
specifies the procedure by which card issuer identifiers shall be
registered and promulgated for the information and use of all
Sets out rules to ensure that translations are presented in a standard form which will simplify their use by different categories of user. Applies to the translation of all documents, whether the translation is complete, partial or abridged. Four types of translation are discussed.
Electromagnetic Interference Measuring Instrument - C.I.S.P.R. Type
1. Scope
1.1 This Standard sets forth the characteristics of an instrument conforming to C.I.S.P.R. requirements for the measurement of electromagnetic interference, both conducted and radiated, in the frequency range 0.15 MHz - 1000 MHz, as set for th in related CSA Standards on Tolerable Limits of Electromagnetic Interference. The frequency range, methods of use, and tolerable limits are…
Radio-frequency connectors - Part 11: R.F. coaxial connectors with inner diameter of outer conductor...
This standard concerns r.f. coaxial connectors for use with r.f. cables, both flexible and semi-rigid, with air dielectric interface and high mechanical stability to withstand severe environmental exposure. The connectors provide low reflection in the microwave region up to 14 GHz and they are watertight and air-tight against a pressure difference of 3 bar.