Canadian Geomatics Interchange Standard: Formal Definition
High Level Design Objectives
The Spatial Archive and Interchange Format was developed as a means of sharing
any information which can be referenced to the earth. SAIF's primary
objectives are as follows:
1) it must be appropriate for modelling and transferring virtually any data of
interest; that is, it must be practical to use with both geographic and
non-geographic information…
This Standard applies to electric motors and generators for installation and
use, in accordance with the rules of the Canadian Electrical Code, Part I, in
nonhazardous locations.
Note: The term "machine" throughout this Standard should be assumed to mean
"motor" and "generator".
Clauses 1 to 6 are general in nature and apply, unless otherwise noted,…
Safety Requirements for Electrical Equipment for Measurement, Control and Laboratory Use, Part 1: G...
This National Standard of Canada is based on International Standard IEC 1010-1:1990.
1.1 Scope
This International Standard specifies general safety requirements for electrical equipment intended for professional, industrial process, and educational use, including equipment and computing devices for: - measurement and test; - control; - laboratory use; - accessories intended for use with…
Part l--Ballasts for Use with Fluorescent Lamps
These requirements apply to ballasts of the resistance, reactance, and
electronic (solid state) types for use with fluorescent lamps, involving
potentials of 1000 V to ground or less during either starting or running
conditions, whether intended for mounting in a luminaire or otherwise and
designed to be employed on circuits of not more…
1.1 This standard specifies physical and chemical requirements for a buffable
water-emulsion floor wax for general application on asphalt, vinyl, rubber,
linoleum and other floor surfaces. It should not, however, be used on wooden,
cork or magnesite floors unless they are properly sealed.
1.2 Floor wax complying with this standard is recommended for use on floor
areas that are subjected to…
Information technology — Open Systems Interconnection — Systems Management: Alarm reporting function...
Establishes user requirements for the alarm reporting function and a model that relates the service and generic definitions provided by this function to user requirements, defines the service provided by the function and generic notification types and parameters, specifies the protocol and the abstract syntax, defines the relationship between this service and SMI notifications, specifies…
Information technology - Open Systems Interconnection - Systems Management: Alarm reporting function...
Establishes user requirements for the alarm reporting function and a model that relates the service and generic definitions provided by this function to user requirements, defines the service provided by the function and generic notification types and parameters, specifies the protocol and the abstract syntax, defines the relationship between this service and SMI notifications, specifies…
This standard applies to the design and construction requirements of uniform
dress shirts in polyester/cotton fabric. It specifies two types (par. 3.1),
each providing the base on which a complete shirt may be composed by inclusion
of any of the features listed in par. 5.2.2.
This standard specifies physical and chemical requirements for a solvent-type
paste wax for application on linoleum, vinyl or wooden floors. It is not
suitable for use on asphalt or rubber floors.
This standard applies to a diethyltoluamide type insect repellent, intended for
direct application to exposed skin surfaces and, under certain conditions, to
clothing. It is intended for protection against mosquitoes, black flies, sand
flies, gnats, ticks and chiggers (mites).