Gas-Fired, Work Activated Air-Conditioning and Heat Pump Appliances (Internal Combustion)
1.1.1 This standard applies to newly produced, gas-fired, work activated, air
conditioning and heat pumping appliances, hereinafter referred to as
appliances, constructed entirely of new, unused parts and materials, which are
designed to supply conditioned air; heated and/or cooled liquid; or
refrigerants, gases, solids, or liquids to spaces remote from or adjacent to
1.1 This standard applies to alkyd varnish for general interior use on
furniture, woodwork and wood floors.
1.2 Type 1, gloss and type 2, semigloss are intended for general use. Type
2, semigloss cannot be used on floors.
1.3 If better wear properties are desired then polyurethane coating
conforming to CAN/CGSB-1.175, CAN/CGSB-1.176 or to…
1.1 This standard applies to a clear one-package pre-reacted type
polyurethane coating for interior use only.
1.2 The coating is intended for use on wood furniture, panelling and
woodwork. Type 1 gloss coating is recommended for floors, but where a
satin finish is desired, Type 2 coating may be used as the final coat.
1.3 The testing and…
1.1 This standard applies to solid-hide and semi-transparent stains for
exterior (Type 1) or interior (Type 2) use on wooden surfaces as
decorative and protective finishes. Some stains may meet the
requirements for both Type 1 and Type 2 material.
1.2 The testing and evaluation of a product against this standard may
require the use of…
Fibre optic connector interfaces - Part 6: Type MU connector family
Defines the standard interface dimensions for type MU family of connectors which is a miniature single-position plug characterized by a cylindrical, spring loaded butting ferrule and a push-pull coupling mechanism.
Standard data element types with associated classification scheme for electric components - Part 4: ...
Specifies: the definitions of data element types for electric components and materials used in electrotechnical equipment and systems; the definitions of component classes with associated classification scheme; the definition of the terms used to clarify this classification scheme.
The collection of data element types from this standard are meant for use in computerized systems for component…
Standard for Thermal Insulation, Polystyrene, Boards and Pipe Covering
1. SCOPe
1.1 This standard contains requirements and test methods for rigid expanded
polystyrene insulation in the form of pipe covering and boards made by moulding
(EPS) or extrusion (XPS) of expandable polystyrene beads. The standard covers
four types of rigid expanded polystyrene distinguished on the basis of their
material properties. Products manufactured to this Standard are…
Performance Testing and Rating of Gas-Fired, Air Conditioning and Heat Pump Appliances
This standard establishes methods of testing and rating gas-fired, heat pumps
for space-conditioning performance. The procedures apply to factory-made,
space-conditioning, unitary heat pumps which utilize gas as the primary fuel.
This includes engine-driven heat pumps, absorption-cycle heat pumps,
desiccant-type heat pumps, and other gas-fired heat pumps. The heat
source/sink for…
1.1.1 This standard applies to newly produced combination gas controls (see
Definitions, Part IV), hereinafter referred to as controls, constructed
entirely of new, unused parts and materials.
1.1.2 The combination control may include other functions such as pilot gas
filters, pressure switches, etc., which shall be of an approved type (see
Definitions, Part IV), or shall be…
Gas-Fired Heat Activated Air Conditioning and Heat Pump Appliances
1.1.1 This standard applies to newly produced, gas-fired, heat activated, air
conditioning and heat pumping appliances, hereinafter referred to as
appliances, constructed entirely of new, unused parts and materials, which are
designed to supply conditioned air; heated and/or cooled liquid; or
refrigerants, gases, solids, or liquids to spaces remote from or adjacent to