Information technology — User system interfaces and symbols — Icon symbols and functions — Part 6: ...
ISO/IEC 11581 applies to icons that are shown on a screen, that users can manipulate and interact with, and that
represent data or computer system functions. This part of ISO/IEC 11581 addresses only action icons. Action icons
represent actions by association with objects that prompt the user to recall the intended actions. This part of
ISO/IEC 11581 describes user interaction with and appearance…
Information technology - International Standardized Profile RD - Relaying the
MAC service using tra...
This National Standard of Canada is equivalent to International Standard
ISO/IEC ISP 10612-3:1995.
1 Scope
ISO/IEC ISP 10612 is applicable to interworking units concerned with operating
in the Open Systems Internconnection (OSI) Local Area Network environment. It
specifies a combination of OSI standards that collectively provide a MAC relay
This part of ISO/IEC ISP 10612…
Commercial Building Standard for Telecommunications Pathways and Spaces
2 Scope
2.1 General
2.1.1 The scope of this Standard is limited to the teleco mmunications aspect of commercial building design and construction, encompassing telecommunications considerations both within and between buildings. Telecommunications aspects are generally the pathways into which telecommunications media are placed and the rooms and areas associated with the building used…
Performance Standard for Rating Large Air Conditioners and Heat Pumps
1. Scope
This Standard provides methods for rating factory-made commercial and
industrial unitary air conditioners, heat pumps, and condensing units of the
types classified in Tables 1, 2, and 3 and intended for air-conditioning and
space-heating applications.
This Standard applies only to electrically driven, mechanical,
vapour-compression-type systems charged with one of the…
Asphalt for Use in Construction of Built-Up Roof Coverings and Waterproofing Systems
1. Scope
1.1 General
This Standard covers asphalt intended for use as hot cement and top coat in the construction of built-up coverings on roof decks of various types and slopes and in the construction of waterproofing systems.
1.2 Types
The following types of asphalts are covered by this Standard:
(a) Type 1 - asphalt for use on built-up roofs with slopes less than or equal to 1:16…
Asphalt Shingles Made from Organic Felt and Surfaced with Mineral Granules
1. Scope
These Standards cover asphalt roofing shingles composed of saturated organic felt or impregnated glass felt coated on both sides with asphaltic material, and surfaced on the weather side with mineral granules.
These shingles may be of conventional two- or three-tab design, scalloped, laminated, or interlocking type.
Asphalt Shingles Made from Glass Felt and Surfaced with Mineral Granules
1. Scope
These Standards cover asphalt roofing shingles composed of saturated organic felt or impregnated glass felt coated on both sides with asphaltic material, and surfaced on the weather side with mineral granules.
These shingles may be of conventional two- or three-tab design, scalloped, laminated, or interlocking type.
1. Scope
This Standard covers asphalt saturated organic felt, with or without perforations, for use in the membrane system of waterproofing systems and in the construction of built-up roofs using asphalt systems.
The following types of roofing felt are addressed by this Standard:
(a) Type 1 - a roofing felt that may be used in the construction of a built-up roof membrane (when…
Information technology - Elements of management information related to the OSI Network Layer
This Recommendation | International Standard provides the specification of management information within an Open
System related to those operations of the OSI Network Layer. Specifics on how Network layer management is
accomplished is beyond the scope of this Recommendation | International Standard. Network Layer management
information is defined by specifying:
? the managed object class…
Information technology - Elements of management information related to OSI Transport layer
This Recommendation | International Standard provides the specification of management information within an Open
System related to those operations of the OSI Transport Layer specified by ITU-T Recommendations and ISO/IEC
International Standards. Specifics on how Transport Layer management is accomplished is beyond the scope of this
Recommendation | International Standard. Transport Layer…