Information technology - Measurement and rating of performance of computer-based software systems
This International Standard defines how user oriented performance of computer-based software systems (CBSS)
may be measured and rated. A CBSS is a data processing system as it is seen by its users, e.g. by users at various
terminals, or as it is seen by operational users and business users at the data processing center.
A CBSS includes hardware and all its software (system software and…
Information technology - Elements of management information related to the OSI Physical Layer
This Recommendation | International Standard provides the specification of management information within an Open
System related to those operations of the OSI Physical Layer specified by the specifications in this Recommendation |
International Standard. Specifics on how Physical Layer management is accomplished is beyond the scope of this
Recommendation | International Standard. Physical Layer…
Information technology — Measurement and rating of performance of computer-based software systems
This International Standard defines how user oriented performance of computer-based software systems (CBSS)
may be measured and rated. A CBSS is a data processing system as it is seen by its users, e.g. by users at various
terminals, or as it is seen by operational users and business users at the data processing center.
A CBSS includes hardware and all its software (system software and…
This International Standard specifies the essential dimensional requirements for size "S" fuel nozzles used in diesel
These requirements allow the assembly and interchangeability of the nozzles in the corresponding nozzle holders.
This International Standard is applicable to size "S" nozzles, which comprise hole type, long-stem nozzles (types
A1 and A2) and pintle…
Information technology — Message Handling Systems (MHS): MHS Routing — Guide for messaging systems m...
This Recommendation | Technical Report specifies the means by which the administrator of various aspects of an MHS
system may configure information into the directory for MTAs to use to determine the routing of messages.
ITU-T Rec. X.412 | ISO/IEC 10021-10 provides a set of directory structures that may be configured in many different
ways to support a particular MHS routing strategy. In order to…
Information technology — Message Handling Systems (MHS): Message store: Abstract service definition ...
This Recommendation | International Standard defines the Message Store abstract-service. This abstract-service is
provided by the Message Store access protocol (specified in ITU-T Rec. X.419 | ISO/IEC 10021-6) in conjunction with
the MTS abstract-service (defined in ITU-T Rec. X.411 | ISO/IEC 10021-4), together with the Remote Operations
Service Element (ROSE) services (defined in ITU-T Rec. X.…
Information technology — Message Handling Systems (MHS): Electronic Data Interchange Messaging Syste...
This Recommendation | International Standard is one of a series on message handling. The entire set provides a
comprehensive blueprint for a Message Handling System (MHS) realized by any number of cooperating open systems.
The purpose of an MHS is to enable users to exchange messages on a store-and-forward basis. A message submitted on
behalf of one user, the originator, is conveyed by the…
Information technology - Message Handling Systems (MHS): Message store: Abstract service definition ...
This Recommendation | International Standard defines the Message Store abstract-service. This abstract-service is
provided by the Message Store access protocol (specified in ITU-T Rec. X.419 | ISO/IEC 10021-6) in conjunction with
the MTS abstract-service (defined in ITU-T Rec. X.411 | ISO/IEC 10021-4), together with the Remote Operations
Service Element (ROSE) services (defined in ITU-T Rec. X.…
Information technology - Message Handling Systems (MHS): Electronic Data Interchange Messaging Syste...
This Recommendation | International Standard is one of a series on message handling. The entire set provides a
comprehensive blueprint for a Message Handling System (MHS) realized by any number of cooperating open systems.
The purpose of an MHS is to enable users to exchange messages on a store-and-forward basis. A message submitted on
behalf of one user, the originator, is conveyed by the…
Information technology - Message Handling Systems (MHS): MHS Routing - Guide for messaging systems m...
This Recommendation | Technical Report specifies the means by which the administrator of various aspects of an MHS
system may configure information into the directory for MTAs to use to determine the routing of messages.
ITU-T Rec. X.412 | ISO/IEC 10021-10 provides a set of directory structures that may be configured in many different
ways to support a particular MHS routing strategy. In order to…