Terminal Units for Medical Gas Pipeline Systems - Part 2: Terminal Units for
Anaesthesia Gas Scaven...
International Standard ISO 9170-2:1999 has been adopted with Canadian
deviations as CSA Standard CAN/CSA-Z9170-2-00.
1 Scope
This part of ISO 9170 specifies the requirements and dimensions for terminal
units intended for use in anaesthetic gas scavenging disposal systems in
accordance with ISO 7396-2.
It is intended especially to ensure the type specificity of terminal units and…
This International Standard describes the principles and methods for evaluating the performance of equipment
used for cleaning operations. Testing and sampling procedures are specified and methods of presenting test
results are detailed. Performance parameters are recommended and defined and their determination is formulated,
thereby allowing their use in evaluating, comparing and predicting…
Road vehicles — Mechanical coupling between tractors and semi-trailers — Part 1: Interchangeability ...
This International Standard specifies dimensions to ensure interchangeability between a tractor vehicle and a
coupled semi-trailer, the two together constituting an articulated vehicle. It specifies certain interchangeability
dimensions, including those of the gooseneck contour, as well as operating dimensions related to angle values. The
specifications permit the same semi-trailer to be used…
Fibre optic connector interfaces - Part 4: Type SC connector family
Defines the standard interface dimensions for type SC family of connectors which is characterized by a 2,5 mm nominal ferrule diameter and includes a push-pull coupling mechanism which is spring loaded relative to the ferrule in the direction of the optical axis. This consolidated version consists of the first edition (1997) and its amendment 1 (1999). Therefore, no need to order amendment in…
Interfaces de connecteurs pour fibres optiques - Partie 4: Famille de connecteurs du type SC
Définit les dimensions d'interfaces standard pour la famille de connecteurs de type SC caractérisée par une ferrule d'un diamètre nominal de 2,5 mm comportant un mécanisme de verrouillage pousser-tirer et une ferrule comprimée par un ressort dans la direction de l'axe optique. Cette version consolidée comprend la première édition (1997) et son amendement 1 (1999). Il n'est…
Textile glass — Yarns — Determination of breaking force and breaking elongation
1.1 This International Standard specifies a method for the determination of the tensile breaking force and elongation
at break of glass yarns taken from packages.
1.2 The method is applicable to various types of glass yarn (single, folded, cabled, strands, structures without twist,
rovings, etc.). It is basically intended for single, folded and cabled glass yarns having a diameter of less than…
Information technology — Open Systems Interconnection — Systems Management: Response time monitoring...
This Recommendation | International Standard defines a systems management function which may be used by an
application process in a centralized or decentralized environment to interact for the purposes of systems-management, as
defined by CCITT Rec. X.700 | ISO/IEC 7498-4. This Recommendation | International Standard defines the response
time monitoring function that consists of services,…
Information technology - Open Systems Interconnection - Systems Management: Response time monitoring...
This Recommendation | International Standard defines a systems management function which may be used by an
application process in a centralized or decentralized environment to interact for the purposes of systems-management, as
defined by CCITT Rec. X.700 | ISO/IEC 7498-4. This Recommendation | International Standard defines the response
time monitoring function that consists of services,…
This National Standard of Canada is equivalent to International Standard ISO 14031:1999.
1 Scope
This International Standard gives guidance on the design and use of
environmental performance evaluation within an organization. It is applicable
to all organizations, regardless of type, size, location and complexity.
This International Standard does not establish environmental performance
Earth-Moving Machinery - Symbols for Operator Controls and Other Displays - Part 1: Common Symbols
This National Standard of Canada is based on International Standard ISO 6405-1:1991 (first edition, 1991-12-01).
1. Scope
This part of ISO 6405 establishes the common symbols for use on operator controls and other displays on earth-moving machinery as defined in ISO 6165.
These symbols may be used on other types of self-propelled work machines designed to operate off public roads.