Definitions, General Requirements, and Test Methods for Vacuum Breakers and Backflow Preventers
1. Scope
Vacuum breakers and backflow preventers that are specified in the B64 Series of CSA Standards include only those devices that are designed for use in potable water supply systems to prevent cross-connections.
This Standard provides definitions, general…
This CSA Standard is a harminized Standard with ANSI Z21.72-2000.
1.1.1 This standard applies to portable type gas camp stoves, having input ratings of 12,000 Btu per hour (3.5 kW) or less per burner for use:
a. With propane, butane, liquefied petroleum gas and any combination thereof;
b. Outdoors only.
1.1.2 Stoves and components employing materials or having forms of…
Petroleum and natural gas industries — Reciprocating compressors
This International Standard covers the minimum requirements for reciprocating compressors and their drivers used
in the petroleum and natural gas industries with either lubricated or nonlubricated cylinders. This International
Standard may be used for other services or in other industries by agreement. Compressors covered by this
International Standard are moderate to low-speed and in critical…
Information technology — Telecommunications and information exchange between systems — 34-pole DTE/D...
This International Standard specifies the 34-
pole connector and the assignment of contact
numbers at the interface between data terminal
equipment (DTE) and data circuit-terminating
equipment (DCE) where ITU-T
Recommendation V.36 or Recommendation
X.21bis together with Recommendation V.10
and V.11 are applicable.
NOTE 1 An interoperation between interfaces
designed according to electrical…
Industrial automation systems and integration — Product data representation and exchange — Part 23: ...
This part of ISO 10303 specifies the implementation of the functional interface specified in the standard
data access interface (SDAI), ISO 10303-22, in the C++ programming language.
The following are within the scope of this part of ISO 10303:
— access to and manipulation of data types and entities which are specified in ISO 10303-22;
— convenience functions suitable to this language binding;
Information technology - 8 mm wide magnetic tape cartridge for information interchange - Helical sca...
This International Standard specifies the physical and magnetic characteristics of an 8 mm wide magnetic tape cartridge
containing a memory chip to enable physical interchange of such cartridges between drives. It also specifies the quality of the
recorded signals, the recording method and the recorded format - called Advanced Intelligent Tape No. 1 with Memory In
Cartridge (AIT-1 with MIC) -…
Information technology — 8 mm wide magnetic tape cartridge for information interchange — Helical sca...
This International Standard specifies the physical and magnetic characteristics of an 8 mm wide magnetic tape cartridge
containing a memory chip to enable physical interchange of such cartridges between drives. It also specifies the quality of the
recorded signals, the recording method and the recorded format - called Advanced Intelligent Tape No. 1 with Memory In
Cartridge (AIT-1 with MIC) -…
Information technology - Telecommunications and information exchange between systems - 34-pole DTE/D...
This International Standard specifies the 34-
pole connector and the assignment of contact
numbers at the interface between data terminal
equipment (DTE) and data circuit-terminating
equipment (DCE) where ITU-T
Recommendation V.36 or Recommendation
X.21bis together with Recommendation V.10
and V.11 are applicable.
NOTE 1 An interoperation between interfaces
designed according to electrical…
Imaging materials — Photographic films — Specifications for safety film
This International Standard provides specifications and test procedures for establishing the safety of photographic
films with respect to hazards from fire. The specifications are applicable to both unprocessed and processed1) films
on any type of currently known plastic support.
These specifications cover silver films (both gelatin and non-gelatin types), colour films, diazo films, vesicular…