1. Scope
This Standard provides criteria for the structural design and appraisal of structures or structural elements made from wood or wood products, including graded lumber, glued-laminated timber, unsanded plywood, oriented strandboard
(OSB), composite building components, shearwalls and diaphragms, timber piling, pole-type construction, prefabricated wood I-joists, structural composite…
1. Scope
This Standard describes testing procedures and states the performance
requirements for general service incandescent reflector lamps.
This Standard includes performance requirements for(a)
(a) wattage;
(b) lamp efficacy;
(c) centre-beam intensity; and
(d) rated life.
This Standard applies to incandescent reflector lamps designed for general
lighting use that…
Flexible insulating sleeving - Part 3: Specifications for individual types of sleeving - Sheets 121 ...
Gives the requirements for four types of non-heatshrinkable sleeving, extruded from silicone elastomer. These sleevings are normally available with internal diameter up to 25 mm and in a range of wall thicknesses between 0,1 mm and 2,0 mm. National standards may select a restricted list of preferred combinations of internal diameter and wall thickness.
Flexible insulating sleeving - Part 3: Specifications for individual types of sleeving - Sheets 121 ...
Gives the requirements for four types of non-heatshrinkable sleeving, extruded from silicone elastomer. These sleevings are normally available with internal diameter up to 25 mm and in a range of wall thicknesses between 0,1 mm and 2,0 mm. National standards may select a restricted list of preferred combinations of internal diameter and wall thickness.
Flexible insulating sleeving - Part 3: Specifications for individual types of sleeving - Sheets 100 ...
Gives the requirements for three types of non-heatshrinkable sleeving, extruded from PVC. Sleeving of this type is normally available with an internal diameter up to 50 mm and in a range of wall thicknesses between 0,2 mm and 1,8 mm. Each sheet covers up to three levels of wall thickness, thin wall, standard wall and thick wall related to nominal internal diameter and with corresponding…
Flexible insulating sleeving - Part 3: Specifications for individual types of sleeving - Sheets 100 ...
Gives the requirements for three types of non-heatshrinkable sleeving, extruded from PVC. Sleeving of this type is normally available with an internal diameter up to 50 mm and in a range of wall thicknesses between 0,2 mm and 1,8 mm. Each sheet covers up to three levels of wall thickness, "thin wall", "standard wall" and "thick wall" related to nominal internal…
Medical electrical equipment - Part 2-47: Particular requirements for the safety, including essentia...
Specifies the particular safety requirements for ambulatory electrocardiographic systems.
Within the scope of this standard are systems of the following types:
a) systems that provide continuous recording and continuous analysis of the ECG allowing full re-analysis giving essentially similar results. The systems may first record and store the ECG and analyse it later on a separate unit, or…
Flexible insulating sleeving - Part 3: Specifications for individual types of sleeving - Sheets 145 ...
Gives the requirements for three types of non-heat-shrinkable sleeving, extruded from PTFE. Sleeving of this type is normally available with internal diameters up to 8,53 mm and in a range of wall thicknesses between 0,15 mm and 0,51 mm. This specification covers three levels of wall thickness: "thin wall", "standard wall" and "thick wall" related to nominal internal…
Medical electrical equipment - Part 2-47: Particular requirements for the safety, including essentia...
Specifies the particular safety requirements for ambulatory electrocardiographic systems.
Within the scope of this standard are systems of the following types:
a) systems that provide continuous recording and continuous analysis of the ECG allowing full re-analysis giving essentially similar results. The systems may first record and store the ECG and analyse it later on a separate unit, or…