Standard data element types with associated classification scheme for electric components - Part 2: ...
Provides a common formal model for the IEC 61360-1 and ISO 13584-42 and facilitates their harmonization. Allows for the implementation of dictionary systems dealing with data delivered according to either of those standards.Provides a formal model for data according to the scope as given in the publications cited above, and thus provides a means for the computer-sensible representation and…
Low-voltage fuses - Part 4-1: Supplementary requirements for fuse-links for the protection of semico...
Is divided into three sections, each dealing with specific examples of standardized dimensions.
Section I: Fuse-links having bolted connections: Type A, Type B, Type C.
Section II: Fuse-links with flush end connections: Type A, Type B.
Section III: Fuse-links with cylindrical contact caps: Type A.
This standard covers dimensional systems but does not standardize characteristics.
Electrical Apparatus for Explosive Gas Atmospheres - Part 6: Oil-Immersion o
This National Standard of Canada is equivalent to International Standard CEI/IEC 79-6:1995 (second edition, 1995-05).
1. Scope
This part of IEC 79 specifies the requirements for the construction and testing of oil-immersed electrical apparatus, oil-immersed parts of electrical apparatus and Ex componenets in the type of protection "o", intended for use in potentially explosive…
Gas Water Heaters - Volume I, Storage Water Heaters With Input Ratings Below
75,000 Btu Per Hour or...
1.1 Scope
1.1.1 This standard applies to newly produced, automatic storage water heaters
having input ratings of 75,000 Btu per hour (21 980 W) or less (see Part IV,
Definitions), hereinafter referred to as water heaters or appliances,
constructed entirely of new, unused parts and materials:
a. For use with natural gas;
b. For use with manufactured gas;
c. For use with mixed…
Gas Water Heaters - Volume III, Storage Water Heaters, With Input Ratings Above
75,000 Btu Per Hour...
1.1 Scope
1.1.1 This standard applies to newly produced, large automatic storage water
heaters having input ratings above 75,000 Btu per hour (21 980 W),
instantaneous water heaters, circulating water heaters, including booster water
heaters (see Part IV, Definitions), hereinafter referred to as water heaters or
appliances, constructed entirely of new, unused parts and materials:
1.1 Scope
1.1.1 This standard applies to newly produced pool heaters (see Part IV,
Definitions), hereinafter referred to as pool heaters or appliances,
constructed entirely of new, unused parts and materials, for heating nonpotable
water stored at atmospheric pressure, such as water in swimming pools, spas,
hot tubs and similar applications:
a. For use with natural gas;
b. For…
Electrical Apparatus for Explosive Gas Atmospheres - Part 1: Flameproof Enclosures "d"
This National Standard of Canada is equivalent to International Standard IEC 60079-1:2001.
1. Scope
This part of IEC 60079 contains the specific requirements for the construction
and testing of electrical apparatus with the type of protection flameproof
enclosure "d", intended for use in potentially explosive gas atmospheres.
Hearing Protection Devices - Performance, Selection, Care, and Use
1. Scope
1.1 General
Clauses 4 to 7 of this Standard cover performance and testing requirements for personal hearing protection devices. Clauses 8 to 12 cover the selection, care, and use of hearing protection devices as required for an effective hearing conservation program.
1.2 Types
The following types of hearing protectors are covered in this Standard: earplugs, earmuffs, communication…
Electrical Apparatus for Explosive Gas Atmospheres - Part 5: Powder Filling "q"
This National Standard of Canada is equivalent to International Standard CEI/IEC 60079-5:1997.
1 Scope
This part of IEC 60079 contains the specific requirements for the construction,
testing and marking of electrical apparatus, parts of electrical apparatus and
Ex components in the type of protection powder filling "q", intended for use in
potentially explosive atmospheres of gas,…