Information processing - SGML support facilities - Part 11: Structure descriptions and style specifi...
ISO/IEC TR 9573-11:2004 defines the document structures and style specifications for standards document interchange (in particular, ISO standards). Element types and attributes for ISO standards are defined and two profiles (a database-oriented profile and a document-oriented profile) are provided.
The document structures are described by
an SGML (ISO 8879) DTD,an XML DTD, anda RELAX NG (ISO/IEC…
Helical-scan video tape cassette system using 12,65 mm (0,5 in) magnetic tape on type VHS - Part 5: ...
IEC 60774-5:2004 applies to the MPEG TS (Transport Stream) packet recording for helical-scan video tape cassette system using 12,65 mm magnetic tape on type VHS. This standard specifies the cassettes, the tape, the track configuration, the data structure, the recording method and the MPEG TS format for D-VHS. This bilingual version (2012-08) corresponds to the monolingual English version,…
Power cables with extruded insulation and their accessories for rated voltages above 30 kV (Um = 36 ...
Specifies test methods and requirements for power cable systems for fixed installations, for rated voltages above 30 kV (Um = 36 kV) up to and including 150 kV (Um = 170 kV). It also separately covers cables and accessories.
The requirements apply to single-core cables and to individually screened three-core cables and to their accessories for usual conditions of installation and operation, but…
Helical-scan video tape cassette system using 12,65 mm (0,5 in) magnetic tape on type VHS - Part 5: ...
IEC 60774-5:2004 applies to the MPEG TS (Transport Stream) packet recording for helical-scan video tape cassette system using 12,65 mm magnetic tape on type VHS. This standard specifies the cassettes, the tape, the track configuration, the data structure, the recording method and the MPEG TS format for D-VHS. This bilingual version (2012-08) corresponds to the monolingual English version,…
Liquid crystal and solid-state display devices - Part 6: Measuring methods for liquid crystal module...
Gives details of the quality assessment procedures, inspection requirements, screening sequences, sampling requirements and test and measurement procedures required for the assessment of liquid crystal display modules.
This standard is restricted to transmissive liquid crystal display modules using either segment, passive or active matrix and achromatic or colour type LCDs.
Cette norme du CSA et commune avec UL 1778.
1.1 Domaine d'application
Remplacer cet article du DR par le texte qui suit:
1.1.1 Appareillage visé par cette norme
Cette norme s'applique aux ALIMENTATIONS SANS COUPURE. La fonction essentielle d'une alimentation sans coupure, dans le contexte de cette norme, est d'assurer la continuité d'une alimentation électrique…
Tools for moulding — Tool specification sheet for injection moulds
ISO 16916:2004 defines the description and specification of injection moulds to be used when requesting tools (stage of tender) and ordering tools. This International Standard gives data for material acquisition, equipment, structural design of injection moulds including the surfaces of the tool. Information relating to machine-specific data, types of operation and warranty is also contained in…
Optical fibre cables - Part 2-11: Indoor optical fibre cables - Detailed specification for simplex a...
Presents the detailed requirements specific to this type of cable to ensure compatibility with ISO 11801. The requirements of the IEC 60794-2-10 are applicaple to cables covered by this standard.
Non-Recirculating Direct Gas-Fired Industrial Air Heaters
1.1.1 This standard applies to newly produced, direct gas-fired industrial air heaters of the nonrecirculating type, hereinafter referred to as heaters, whose purpose is to offset building heat loss.
All air to the heater shall be ducted directly from outdoors and the products of combustion generated by the heater are released into the air stream being heated.
Heaters covered by this…
Hand-Held Motor-Operated Electric Tools - Safety - Part 2-4: Particular Requirements for Sanders and...
This National Standard of Canada is based on International Standard IEC 60745-2-4:2002, and is joint with UL 60745-2-4.
1 Scope
This clause of Part 1 is applicable except as follows:
1.1 Addition:
This standard applies to sanders with the exception of all types of disc-type sanders, which are covered by IEC 60745-2-3.
Tools covered by this standard include but are not limited to belt sanders…