Flexible insulating sleeving - Part 3: Specifications for individual types of sleeving - Sheet 271: ...
Gives the requirements for two types of heat-shrinkable, flame retarded, fluid resistant, elastomer sleevings, with a nominal shrink ratio of 2:1 for use at temperatures up to 120 C.
Type A: Standard wall thickness
Type B: Thin wall thickness
These sleevings are normally supplied with internal diameters up to 102 mm for the standard wall thickness and up to 51 mm for the thin wall thickness.The…
Gaines isolantes souples - Partie 3: Spécifications pour types particuliers de gaines - Feuille 271:...
Donne les exigences relatives à deux types de gaines thermorétractables en élastomère, retardées à la flamme et résistant aux fluides, ayant un rapport de rétreint nominal de 2:1 et pouvant être utilisées jusqu'à une température de 120 °C.
Type A: Paroi d'épaisseur standard
Type B: Paroi d'épaisseur fine
Ces gaines sont normalement fournies avec un diamètre intérieur allant jusqu…
Electromagnetic Compatibility (EMC) - Part 4-30: Testing and Measurement Techniques - Power Quality ...
This National Standard of Canada is equivalent to International Standard CEI/IEC 61000-4-30:2003.
1 Scope
This part of IEC 61000-4 defines the methods for measurement and interpretation of results for power quality parameters in 50/60 Hz a.c. power supply systems.
Measurement methods are described for each relevant type of parameter in terms that will make it possible to obtain reliable…
1.1 This Standard covers requirements for fire signal receiving centre and systems
which include transmitting, receiving equipment and proprietary fire signal receiving centre
equipment and control unit accessories for use in accordance with the following:
A CAN/ULC-S524, Installation of Fire Alarm Systems;
B CAN/ULC-S561, Installation and Services for Fire Signal Receiving…
Magnetic materials - Part 1-1: Classification - Surface insulations of electrical steel sheet, strip...
Establishes a classification of surface insulations for electrical steel sheet, strip and laminations according to their general composition, relative insulating ability and function. These surface insulations are either oxide layers or applied coatings. The purpose of this classification is to create a nomenclature for the various types of surface insulations and to assist users of surface…
Nuclear energy — Soxhlet-mode chemical durability test — Application to vitrified matrixes for high-...
ISO 16797:2004 describes the Soxhlet-mode parameter test to assess the chemical durability of materials by measuring the initial dissolution rate in pure water. The measurement is performed at the boiling point of water, at which the dissolution rate is considerably higher than at room temperature. In most cases, the alteration phenomena are therefore significantly accelerated. The test is…
Standard data element types with associated classification scheme for electric components - Part 5: ...
IEC 61360-5:2004 is the extension of the common ISO/IEC dictionary schema for the definition of concepts which are used in IEC 61360-1 but which are not addressed by the information models specified in IEC 61360-2. It provides a formal model for data according to the scope as given above, and thus to provide, with IEC 61360-2, a means for the computer-sensible representation and exchange of all…
Standard data element types with associated classification scheme for electric components - Part 5: ...
IEC 61360-5:2004 is the extension of the common ISO/IEC dictionary schema for the definition of concepts which are used in IEC 61360-1 but which are not addressed by the information models specified in IEC 61360-2. It provides a formal model for data according to the scope as given above, and thus to provide, with IEC 61360-2, a means for the computer-sensible representation and exchange of all…
Information processing — SGML support facilities — Part 11: Structure descriptions and style specifi...
ISO/IEC TR 9573-11:2004 defines the document structures and style specifications for standards document interchange (in particular, ISO standards). Element types and attributes for ISO standards are defined and two profiles (a database-oriented profile and a document-oriented profile) are provided.
The document structures are described by
an SGML (ISO 8879) DTD,an XML DTD, anda RELAX NG (ISO/IEC…