Vehicles, boats and internal combustion engines - Radio disturbance characteristics - Limits and met...
CISPR 12:2007+A1:2009 The limits in this International Standard are designed to provide protection for broadcast receivers in the frequency range of 30 MHz to 1 000 MHz when used in the residential environment. Compliance with this standard may not provide adequate protection for new types of radio transmissions or receivers used in the residential environment nearer than 10 m to the vehicle,…
Building automation and control systems (BACS) — Part 6: Data communication conformance testing
ISO 16484-6:2009 defines a standard method for verifying that an implementation of the BACnet protocol provides each capability claimed in its Protocol Implementation Conformance Statement (PICS) in conformance with the BACnet standard.
ISO 16484-6:2009 provides a comprehensive set of procedures for verifying the correct implementation of each capability claimed on a BACnet PICS, including upport…
This Standard applies to
(a) electrostatic air cleaners intended to remove dust and dirt from the air and intended for general indoor residential and commercial use;
(b) air ionizer type air cleaners; and
(c) other similar ionizing equipment.
This Standard does not apply to electrostatic air cleaners for use in hazardous locations or in atmospheres defined as hazardous by…
Domaine d'application
Les membres de la Window Covering Manufacturers Association, Inc. (WCMA) sont conscients que de malheureux incidents, y compris des cas de strangulation, ont mis en danger de jeunes enfants exposés à des produits munis de cordons formant des boucles souples et fabriqués ou importés par des membres de
l'industrie. C'est pourquoi ils ont préparé cette norme…
1.1 This Standard covers requirements applicable to signal receiving centre facilities
and protection service, satellite centres, and bridging centres.
1.2 This Standard does not include requirements for hold-up alarm systems or panic
1.3 Signals received from residential, commercial and financial burglar alarm
systems are monitored by signal receiving centre operators who process the…
Guide standard de laboratoire pour l’évaluation des émissions de composés organiques volatils de la ...
2.1 Le présent guide de laboratoire a été élaboré aux fins d’évaluation des émissions de composés
organiques volatils des matériaux utilisés dans des immeubles d’habitation.
2.2 On y énonce les méthodes recommandées pour l’utilisation de caissons d’essai dans le but d’évaluer
les émissions s’échappant du matériau à un moment donné après son installation. Le guide renferme ce
qui suit :
A L’…
International Standard IEC 61229 is applicable to rigid insulating covers for live working on
a.c. installations, including those described in IEC 60743.
The barriers, having dielectric withstand which depends on the positioning clearance, are
excluded from this standard.
1.1 Classes
Six classes of covers, differing in electrical characteristics, are provided and designated as
class 0, 1, 2, 3, 4…
This Standard specifies construction and testing requirements for mine power feeder cables normally used for power distribution in stationary or semi-stationary applications covered by CAN/CSA-M421 and the Canadian Electrical Code, Part I.
This Standard covers cables with voltage levels of 5, 8, 15, and 25 kV, rated at 100% and 133% insulation levels.
The cable constructions…
1 Scope
This Standard specifies construction and testing requirements for portable power cables normally used in applications where the cables are subject to frequent flexing and where installation is in accordance with CAN/CSA-M421 and/or the Canadian Electrical Code, Part I.
The cable constructions specified in Clauses 5 to 9 and Clauses 12 to 15 of this Standard are suitable for use…
This Standard specifies energy performance requirements for self-contained vending machines that actively cool or heat, or both, the product to be vended.
This Standard specifies
(a) uniform procedures for measuring energy consumption; and
(b) maximum daily energy consumption levels.
This Standard applies to Types A, B, C, D ,E ,F, and G vending machines, as defined…