Intelligent transport systems — Reference model architecture(s) for the ITS sector — Part 6: Data pr...
ISO 14813-6:2009 provides an 'enabling' structure for use in the ITS sector. It provides a formal means to enact the ISO/TC 204 decision by resolution to use ASN.1 for data definitions within ITS International Standards. This provides a common message form to enable interoperability and reuse. It provides consistency of use so that where other aspects of ASN.1 (defined within ISO/IEC…
Motor-operated appliances (household and commercial)
This Standard applies to motor-operated appliances* intended for use with nominal system voltages of 600 V and less, except that where appliances are driven by universal-type motors or electromagnetic mechanisms, the scope is limited to appliances rated for use on nominal system voltages of 240 V or less.
This Standard applies to appliances designed to be used in accordance with…
Extra-low-voltage control circuit cable, low-energy control cable, and extra-low-voltage control cab...
1 Scope
This Standard specifies requirements for the following types of control cables, rated 30 V maximum, intended for use in extra-low-voltage control circuits in accordance with the rules of the Canadian Electrical Code, Part I:
(a) Type LVT extra-low-voltage control circuit cables, rated 60 °C maximum;
(b) low-energy control cable, rated 105 °C maximum;
(c) Type ELC extra-low-…
1 Scope and application
1.1 General
This Standard provides rules and requirements for the design, fabrication, and erection of steel structures. The design is based on limit states. The term "steel structures" refers to structural members and frames that consist primarily of structural steel components, including the detail parts, welds, bolts, or other fasteners required in…
Performance Standard for rating packaged water chillers
This Standard applies to factory-designed and prefabricated vapour-compression chillers that include one or more hermetic or external drive compressors.
The compressor types covered under this Standard include
(a) centrifugal;
(b) screw;
(c) scroll;
(d) reciprocating; and
(e) other types.
The condenser types covered under this Standard include
(a) water-cooled;
(b) air-…
1.1 General
This Standard covers steel valves primarily intended for use in oil or gas pipeline systems. The following types of valves are covered:
(a) gate valves;
(b) plug valves;
(c) ball valves; and
(d) check valves.
1.2 Size, nominal pressure class, and category
1.2.1 Size
This Standard covers valves in sizes from NPS 2 to NPS 60. (See Table A.1.)
1.2.2 Nominal pressure class
1.1 General
This Standard describes the apparatus, test methods, and formulas to be used in carrying out the tests and calculations required by CSA electrical wire and cable Standards.
1.2 Acceptance requirements
The acceptance requirements expected to be fulfilled through the testing of any particular type of wire or cable are contained in the Standard relating to that type and do not…
This is the harmonized ANCE, CSA, and UL standard for Fire Pump Controllers. It is the first edition of NMX-J-626-ANCE, the first edition of CSA C22.2 No. 263, and the second edition of UL 218. This edition of UL 218 supersedes the previous edition published in 1996.
1.1 Products covered
1.1.1 These requirements cover controllers intended for starting and stopping centrifugal…
ISO 2476:2009 specifies:
physical and chemical tests on raw rubbers;
standard materials, standard test formulations, equipment and processing methods for evaluating the vulcanization characteristics of solution-polymerized butadiene rubbers (BR), including oil-extended types (OEBR), and the tensile stress-strain properties of vulcanized mixes.
ISO 2322:2009 specifies:
physical and chemical tests on raw rubbers;
standard materials, standard test formulations, equipment and processing methods for evaluating the vulcanization characteristics of emulsion- and solution-polymerized styrene-butadiene rubbers (SBR), including oil-extended rubbers.