Geometrical product specifications (GPS) — ISO code system for tolerances on linear sizes — Part 2: ...
ISO 286-2:2010 gives values of the limit deviations for commonly used tolerance classes for holes and shafts calculated from the tables given in ISO 286‑1. ISO 286-2 covers values for the upper limit deviations eU, hole (for holes) and eU, shaft (for shafts) and the lower limit deviations eL, hole (for holes) and eL, shaft (for shafts).
The ISO system for tolerances on linear size provides a…
"The test methods described in this Standard are applicable to roof covering materials and are intended to measure the relative fire-performance characteristics of roof coverings when exposed to fire originating from sources outside a building on which they may be installed. They are applicable to roof coverings intended for installation on either combustible or non-combustible decks when…
Electronic fee collection — Test procedures for user and fixed equipment — Part 1: Description of t...
ISO/TS 14907-1:2010 specifies the test procedures of EFC road-side equipment (RSE) and on-board equipment (OBE) with regard to the conformance to standards and requirements for type approval and acceptance testing which is within the realm of EFC application specifically.
ISO/TS 14907-1:2010 is restricted to systems operating within the radio emission, EMC regulations, traffic and other…
Wind turbines - Part 22: Conformity testing and certification
IEC 61400-22:2010 was withdrawn on 2018-08-31, and replaced with the deliverables for the wind sector (WE-OMC) contained in the IECRE Conformity Assessment System. More information available here.
IEC 61400-22:2010 defines rules and procedures for a certification system for wind turbines (WT) that comprises both type certification and certification of wind turbine projects installed on land or…
ISO/TR 230-8:2010 is concerned with the different types of vibration that can occur between the tool-holding part and the workpiece-holding part of a machine tool. (For simplicity, these will generally be referred to as “tool” and “workpiece”, respectively.) These are vibrations that can adversely influence the production of both an acceptable surface finish and an accurate workpiece.
It is not…
Code d'essai des machines-outils — Partie 8: Vibrations
L'ISO/TR 230-8:2010 traite des différents types de vibrations qui peuvent se produire entre la partie outil et la partie pièce à usiner d'une machine-outil. (Pour plus de simplicité, ces parties seront appelées respectivement «outil» et «pièce»). Ces vibrations peuvent avoir un effet négatif à la fois sur la production d'une finition de surface acceptable et sur l'exactitude d…
Cranes — Control layout and characteristics — Part 1: General principles
ISO 7752-1:2010 establishes principles and requirements for the controls of cranes. It deals with the arrangement of those controls used in positioning loads and serves as a general basis for the elaboration of detailed standards covering the controls of particular types of cranes.
Acoustics — Noise emitted by machinery and equipment — Determination of emission sound pressure leve...
ISO 11202:2010 specifies a method for determining the emission sound pressure levels of machinery or equipment, at a work station and at other specified positions nearby, in situ. A work station is occupied by an operator and may be located in open space, in the room where the source under test operates, in a cab fixed to the source under test, or in an enclosure remote from the source under test…
Acoustics — Noise emitted by machinery and equipment — Determination of emission sound pressure leve...
ISO 11201:2010 specifies a method for determining the emission sound pressure levels of machinery or equipment, at a work station and at other specified positions nearby, in an essentially free field over a reflecting plane. A work station is occupied by an operator and may be located in open space, in the room where the source under test operates, in a cab fixed to the source under test, or in…
Acoustics — Noise emitted by machinery and equipment — Determination of emission sound pressure leve...
ISO 11204:2010 specifies a method for determining the emission sound pressure levels of machinery or equipment, at a work station and at other specified positions nearby, in any environment which meets certain qualification requirements. A work station is occupied by an operator and may be located in open space, in the room where the source under test operates, in a cab fixed to the source under…