1 Scope
This part of ISO/IEC 14443 describes:
- polling for proximity cards or objects (PICCs) entering the field of a proximity coupling device (PCD);
- the byte format, the frames and timing used during the initial phase of communication between PCDs and
- the initial Request and Answer to Request command content;
- methods to detect and communicate with one PICC among several PICCs (…
Information technology — Security techniques — Information security incident management
1 Scope
This International Standard provides a structured and planned approach to:
a) detect, report and assess information security incidents;
b) respond to and manage information security incidents;
c) detect, assess and manage information security vulnerabilities; and
d) continuously improve information security and incident management as a result of managing information
Information technology — Security techniques — Guidelines for auditors on information security contr...
1 Scope
This Technical Report provides guidance on reviewing the implementation and operation of controls,
including technical compliance checking of information system controls, in compliance with an organization's
established information security standards.
This Technical Report is applicable to all types and sizes of organizations, including public and private
companies, government…
Information technology — Common Language Infrastructure (CLI) — Information Derived from Partition I...
1 Scope
This Technical Report is intended as an aid for understanding the libraries specified in ISO 23271 (ECMA-335),
Partition IV: Profiles and Libraries. That Partition includes a machine-readable specification, in XML, of the types
that comprise the standard libraries. This Technical Report, in companion files, provides the following items, which
help to form a traceable chain from the…
Information technology — ASN.1 encoding rules: Specification of Basic Encoding Rules (BER), Canonica...
1 Scope
This Recommendation | International Standard specifies a set of basic encoding rules that may be used to derive the
specification of a transfer syntax for values of types defined using the notation specified in ITU-T Rec. X.680 |
ISO/IEC 8824-1, ITU-T Rec. X.681 | ISO/IEC 8824-2, ITU-T Rec. X.682 | ISO/IEC 8824-3, and ITU-T Rec. X.683 |
ISO/IEC 8824-4, collectively referred to as Abstract…
Information technology — Telecommunications and information exchange between systems — Corporate tel...
1 Scope
Mobility for enterprise communications is the ability for persons and objects (e.g. vehicles, sensors and other
machines) belonging to the enterprise to use communication and information services regardless of changes
in their physical location. This includes also the ability to be reached by other persons or objects for
This Technical Report encompasses the mobility of…
Quartz crystal controlled oscillators of assessed quality - Part 3: Standard outlines and lead conne...
IEC 60679-3:2012 specifies the outline dimensions and lead connections for quartz crystal controlled oscillators with lead enclosures. This edition includes the following significant technical changes with respect to the previous edition:
- CO 01, CO 07, CO 10, CO 17 and CO 18 were deleted;
- The current pin layout of CO 06 was deleted. And new pin layout of CO 06 was added as CO 40;
- New…
Fuel cell technologies - Part 6-300: Micro fuel cell power systems - Fuel cartridge interchangeabili...
IEC 62282-6-300:2012 covers interchangeability of micro fuel cell (MFC) fuel cartridges to provide the cartridge compatibility for a variety of MFC power units while maintaining the safety and performance of MFC power systems. For this purpose, the standard covers fuel cartridges and their connector designs. Fuel type, fuel concentration and fuel quality are also covered. This standard also…
Societal security — Business continuity management systems — Guidance
ISO 22313:2012 for business continuity management systems provides guidance based on good international practice for planning, establishing, implementing, operating, monitoring, reviewing, maintaining and continually improving a documented management system that enables organizations to prepare for, respond to and recover from disruptive incidents when they arise.
It is not the intent of ISO…
Cranes — Design principles for loads and load combinations — Part 1: General
ISO 8686-1:2012 establishes general methods for the calculating loads and principles to be used in the selection of load combinations for proofs of competence in accordance with ISO 20332 for the structural and mechanical components of cranes as defined in ISO 4306-1.
It is based on rigid-body kinetic analysis and elastostatic analysis but expressly permits the use of more advanced methods (…