Information technology — Radio frequency identification for item management — Part 6: Parameters for...
ISO/IEC 18000-6:2013 defines the air interface for radio frequency identification (RFID) devices operating in the 860 MHz to 960 MHz Industrial, Scientific, and Medical (ISM) band used in item management applications. It provides a common technical specification for RFID devices that can be used by ISO committees developing RFID application standards.
It is intended to allow for compatibility…
Information technology - Radio frequency identification for item management - Part 63: Parameters fo...
ISO/IEC 18000-63:2013 defines the air interface for radio frequency identification (RFID) devices operating in the 860 MHz to 960 MHz Industrial, Scientific, and Medical (ISM) band used in item management applications. It provides a common technical specification for RFID devices that can be used by ISO committees developing RFID application standards.
It is intended to allow for compatibility…
Medical electrical equipment - Part 2-11: Particular requirements for the basic safety and essential...
IEC 60601-2-11:2013 applies to the basic safety and essential performance of gamma beam therapy equipment, including multi-source stereotactic radiotherapy equipment. This particular standard of the 60601 series, establishes requirements to be complied with by manufacturers in the design and construction of gamma beam therapy equipment. It states tolerance limits beyond which interlocks must…
Information technology - Radio frequency identification for item management - Part 6: Parameters for...
ISO/IEC 18000-6:2013 defines the air interface for radio frequency identification (RFID) devices operating in the 860 MHz to 960 MHz Industrial, Scientific, and Medical (ISM) band used in item management applications. It provides a common technical specification for RFID devices that can be used by ISO committees developing RFID application standards.
It is intended to allow for compatibility…
Cork — Cork stoppers for still wines — Mechanical and physical specifications
ISO 16420:2013 defines, for each type of ready-to-use, cylindrical cork stopper for still wines (colmated or non-colmated natural cork stoppers, agglomerate cork stoppers, 1 + 1 stoppers), a set of specifications corresponding to different tested parameters.
For all parameters, this set of specifications comprises a proposal for the number of stoppers to be tested (incremental sample); an…
Liège — Bouchons de liège pour vins tranquilles — Spécifications mécaniques et physiques
L'ISO 16420:2013 définit pour chaque type de bouchons de liège pour vins tranquilles (bouchons de liège naturel colmaté ou non, bouchons agglomérés, bouchons 1 + 1) cylindriques prêts à l'emploi un ensemble de spécifications correspondant à différents paramètres soumis à essai.
Cet ensemble de spécifications comprend, pour tous les paramètres, une proposition d'un nombre de…
Wire connectors (Tri-national standard, with UL 486A-486B and NMX-J-543-ANCE)
1.1 This Standard applies to single-polarity connectors for use with all alloys of copper or aluminum, or copper-clad aluminum conductors, or all three, for providing contacts between current-carrying parts, in accordance with the Canadian Electrical Code, Part I, C22.1, in Canada, the National Electrical Code, NFPA-70, in the United States of America, or the Standard for Electrical…
Information technology — Programming languages — C++
1.1 Scope
1 This International Standard specifies requirements for implementations of the C++ programming language.
The first such requirement is that they implement the language, and so this International Standard also
defines C++. Other requirements and relaxations of the first requirement appear at various places within
this International Standard.
2 C++ is a general purpose programming…
Information technology — Common Language Infrastructure (CLI)
I.1 Scope
This International Standard defines the Common Language Infrastructure (CLI) in which
applications written in multiple high-level languages can be executed in different system
environments without the need to rewrite those applications to take into consideration the unique
characteristics of those environments. This International Standard consists of the following parts:
- Partition I:…
Systems and software engineering — Requirements for designers and developers of user documentation
1 Scope
This clause presents the scope, purpose, organization, and candidate uses of this International Standard.
This International Standard supports the interest of software users in consistent, complete, accurate, and
usable documentation. It includes both approaches to standardization: a) process standards, which specify
the way in which documentation products are to be developed; and b)…