General principles for the management of radioactive waste and irradiated fuel
This Standard specifies common requirements for the management of radioactive waste and irradiated
fuel from generation to storage or disposal.
This Standard is used in concert with all CSA standards that apply to the management of radioactive
waste and irradiated fuel.
Note: For example, CSA N292.2, CSA N292.3, CSA N292.5, and CSA N294.
This Standard applies to waste…
Road vehicles — Video communication interface for cameras (VCIC) — Part 3: Camera message dictionary
ISO 17215-3:2014 specifies the standardized camera messages and data types used by a VCIC camera (OSI Layer 7).
Applications hosted on ECUs want to communicate with one or more cameras (e.g. "Ask camera for parameters."). If the applications can use standardized services supported by the cameras (API layer 7), the development of a vision application should be independent of the camera…
Ultrasonics - Field characterization - Specification and measurement of field parameters for high in...
IEC TS 62556:2014 is a technical specification applicable to high intensity therapeutic ultrasound (HITU) devices. It specifies the relevant parameters for quantifying the field; the measurement methods at relatively low output levels and methodology for extrapolating these to higher therapeutic level fields; some considerations of sidelobes and pre-focal maxima; and parameters relevant to HITU…
Electronic paper displays - Part 3-1: Optical measuring methods
IEC 62679-3-1:2014 specifies the standard measurement conditions and measurement methods for determining the optical performance of Electronic Paper Display (EPDs). The scope of this document is restricted to EPDs using either segment, passive, or active matrix with either monochromatic or colour type displays. The measuring methods are intended for EPDs operated in a reflective mode. The EPDs…
Information technology — Conformance testing methodology for biometric data interchange formats defi...
ISO/IEC 29109-5:2014 specifies elements of conformance testing methodology, test assertions, and test procedures as applicable to two-dimensional face images defined in the ISO/IEC 19794-5:2005 biometric data interchange format standard for face image data.
ISO/IEC 29109-5:2014 establishes
test assertions of the structure of the face image data format as specified in ISO/IEC 19794-5:2005 (Type A…
Information technology - Conformance testing methodology for biometric data interchange formats defi...
ISO/IEC 29109-5:2014 specifies elements of conformance testing methodology, test assertions, and test procedures as applicable to two-dimensional face images defined in the ISO/IEC 19794-5:2005 biometric data interchange format standard for face image data.
ISO/IEC 29109-5:2014 establishes
test assertions of the structure of the face image data format as specified in ISO/IEC 19794-5:2005 (Type A…
Electronic Business Extensible Markup Language (ebXML) — Part 5: Core Components Specification (CCS)
ISO 15000-5:2014 describes and specifies the Core Component solution as a methodology for developing a common set of semantic building blocks that represent general types of business data, and provides for the creation of new business vocabularies and restructuring of existing business vocabularies.
ISO 15000-5:2014 can be employed wherever business information is being shared or exchanged…
Wind turbines - Part 23: Full-scale structural testing of rotor blades
IEC 61400-23:2014 defines the requirements for full-scale structural testing of wind turbine blades and for the interpretation and evaluation of achieved test results. The standard focuses on aspects of testing related to an evaluation of the integrity of the blade, for use by manufacturers and third party investigators. The following tests are considered in this standard:<br />
- static…
ISO/IEC/IEEE 8802-3:2014 specifies Ethernet local area network operation for selected speeds of operation from 1 Mb/s to 100 Gb/s using a common media access control (MAC) specification and management information base (MIB). The Carrier Sense Multiple Access with Collision Detection (CSMA/CD) MAC protocol specifies shared medium (half duplex) operation, as well as full duplex operation. Speed…
ISO/IEC/IEEE 8802-3:2014 specifies Ethernet local area network operation for selected speeds of operation from 1 Mb/s to 100 Gb/s using a common media access control (MAC) specification and management information base (MIB). The Carrier Sense Multiple Access with Collision Detection (CSMA/CD) MAC protocol specifies shared medium (half duplex) operation, as well as full duplex operation. Speed…