Reference materials — Good practice in using reference materials
ISO Guide 33:2015 describes good practice in using reference materials (RMs), and certified reference materials (CRMs) in particular, in measurement processes. These uses include the assessment of precision and trueness of measurement methods, quality control, assigning values to materials, calibration, and the establishment of conventional scales. This Guide also relates key characteristics of…
This Standard applies to surge protective device (SPD) components designed to mitigate the effects of transient overvoltages and surge events when used on electrical distribution systems rated at not more than 750 volts.
SPD Components containing integral thermal devices are within the scope of this Standard.
Components include but are not limited to metal oxide varistors (MOVs),…
This Standard applies to solid-state lighting controls rated at 600 V and less, with or without an integral switching (disconnecting) device, designed to be used in circuits
for the control of incandescent lamps; and
for the control of fluorescent, HID, ballasted, and similar lamps intended for installation in accordance with the Rules of the Canadian Electrical Code, Part I.
Additive manufacturing — General principles — Part 2: Overview of process categories and feedstock
ISO 17296-2:2015 describes the process fundamentals of Additive Manufacturing (AM). It also gives an overview of existing process categories, which are not and cannot be exhaustive due to the development of new technologies. ISO 17296-2:2015 explains how different process categories make use of different types of materials to shape a product's geometry. It also describes which type of…
IEC 62246-1:2015, which is a generic specification, applies to all types of reed switches including magnetically biased reed switches of assessed quality for use in general and industrial applications. Mercury wetted reed switches are not covered by this standard due to their possible environmental impact. It lists the tests and measurement procedures which may be selected for use in detail…
Textile floor coverings — Production of changes in appearance by means of Vettermann drum and hexapo...
ISO 10361:2015 describes procedures that use the mechanical action of a Vettermann drum or a hexapod tumbler tester to produce changes in appearance (surface structure and colour) to all types of textile floor coverings. It does not include pilling or colour changes due to other actions.
Changes produced by these drum testers are assessed in accordance with the applicable assessment standard.
Welding — Post-weld heat treatment parameters for steels
ISO/TR 14745:2015 provides recommendations for post-weld heat treatment (PWHT) of steels with recommendations for holding temperatures and holding times for different materials and material thicknesses. These recommendations are limited to stress relieving for non-alloy steels (groups 1, 2, 3, 4, and 11) and to tempering for Cr-Mo-(Ni) steels (groups 5 and 6) and martensitic stainless steels (…
Elastomeric composite hose and hose couplings for conducting propane and natural gas
This Standard applies to newly produced Type I, Type II, and Type III hose used for the transfer or
conducting of propane and natural gas.
The hose and hose assemblies covered in this Standard are capable of operation at temperatures
between -40°F (-40 °C) and 140°F (60 °C).
Type I hose refers to hose with a maximum operating pressure of 350 psig (2.4 MPa) and a minimum
Automatic electrical controls — Part 1: General requirementsDispositifs de commande électrique autom...
1.1 Scope
[Add the following paragraphs and note]
The object of this Part 1 Standard is to specify general electrical safety requirements for certain
The requirements of this Standard apply to a specific end-use product when it is explicitly referred to by
that product standard. Each individual product standard may supplement, modify, or omit a general rule
in the Part 1 Standard…
Technical requirements for in-service evaluation of zirconium alloy pressure tubes in CANDU reactors
This Standard specifies the technical requirements for the owner/operator to ensure structural integrity
of cold-worked Zr-2.5 wt% Nb alloy pressure tubes in operating CANDU reactors. Clause 13 of CSA
N285.0/N285.6 Series requires that when in-service inspection results or material surveillance results do
not satisfy the requirements of the original inspection program, a fitness-for-…